President Donald Trump is on trial in the Senate for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress
President Donald Trump is on trial in the Senate for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress GETTY IMAGES / Drew Angerer


  • Donald Trump is reportedly “psychologically and mentally dangerous and incapacitated”
  • Twitter users speculate that Donald Trump has dementia
  • Donald Trump snubbed Melania Trump's decor taste

Donald Trump is reportedly “psychologically and mentally dangerous and incapacitated.”

The Twitters users have speculated that President Trump has dementia. However, prior to that a group of mental health professionals evaluated the POTUS’ mental health especially when the tensions with Iran heightened and as the country’s leader faced impeachment.

“We have been seriously warning about this for some time. The US Congress must act immediately and forcefully without further delay,” the World Mental Health Coalition said in a statement obtained by The Independent.

According to the statement, Trump is “psychologically and mentally both dangerous and incapacitated.” Melania’s husband has a presentation that is “consistent with a person who, when his falsely inflated self-image is questioned, or when his emotional need for adulation is thwarted, lashes out in an attempt to restore his sense of potency and command over others.”

The group continued that while senior military leaders are annually checked for psychological evaluations, their commander-in-chief is exempt from such a requirement. They also added that Americans “cannot wait any longer to deal with the dangerous situation caused by a mentally compromised person acting in erratic, reckless, impulsive, and destructive ways.”

The group urged Congress to act immediately because they have the constitutional power to take away Trump’s war-making powers. It is also imperative that Congress be equipped with accurate information.

“We urge Congress to consult with us for a profile, if not evaluation, and to take seriously the mental health aspects that are at play in this mentally impaired president,” they said.

CNN reporter Daniel Dale revealed in a series of tweets that Trump habitually moves events much closer to the present. He also gets dates wrong and even misstated a date or time at least 51 times since he took office. The posts was flooded with replies that the POTUS has dementia.

Meanwhile, another said that the POTUS might be showing signs or symptoms of Alzheimer’s. A different user claimed that it was memory dysfunction because he invented the lie, visualized it, repeated it and experienced it as a natural memory. “Not Dementia,” the user concluded.

In related news, Trump snubbed the FLOTUS’ decor taste. Melania didn’t move to the White House right away because she had it redecorated since she didn’t like the way the Obamas’ designed it. However, Trump also replaced Melania’s furniture choices.