MTV awards 2011 pictures

MTV movie awards(photos)
The MTV movie awards , packed with exclusive film chip premieres and fresh faced favourite stars is more like a drinking game for celebrities.
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Gopalakrishnan, chief executive of Infosys Technologies, speaks during the announcement of company's quarterly financial results in Bangalore

Infosys enters cloud arena

India’s second largest IT company Infosys has announced to adopt the cloud technology as a part of its Infosys 3.0 transformation

Gold and Stocks Fall As Weak Climate Keeps QE3 On The Table

The Gold Price climbed to $1544 per ounce Thursday morning but then dropped sharply to $1520 and stabilized at $1532 per ounce, while stocks, commodities and US Treasuries were all hit after worse-than-expected US economic news and a further downgrade for Greece.
Apple Inc. CEO Steve Jobs gives a wave at the conclusion of the launch of the iPad 2 on stage during an Apple event in San Francisco

Apple Profit View Raised at Susquehanna

Susquehanna Financial has raised its profit estimates of Apple, saying that the technology giant is well positioned with leading market share in two of the fastest-growing segments in technology: smartphones and tablets.
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US stocks slump on weak economic data

U.S. stocks slumped on Wednesday, marking the biggest decline since August, as weaker-than-expected reports on ADP private sector employment and ISM manufacturing raised concerns about the current economic soft patch.


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