Two Florida inmates who escaped from Washington County Jail using a common household implement were captured and brought back into custody Thursday, CNN’s Nick Valencia reported. Ronly Diaz Pardo, 27, and David Allan Anderson, 39, escaped late Sunday using a shower curtain rod. The two were on the run throughout the southern United States before being apprehended.

Pardo and Anderson chipped away at the wall of their jail cell underneath a sink, which eventually granted them access to a maintenance room next door, according to WYFF-4. The maintenance room had direct access to the outdoor jail yard area, where the two inmates bent a gate and crawled under it to freedom.

The inmates then stole a couple of different cars on their way to Oklahoma, where they were discovered in a traffic stop around 12:30 p.m. CDT.

“We could not have received better news today than this,” Sherriff Kevin Crews said. “We are very grateful for all of the agencies that have joined this investigation and have worked tirelessly to bring these subjects back into custody.”

Anderson, who was previously sentenced to 22 years for drug trafficking charges, was at Washington County Jail for a chase through Florida in May. He was charged with eluding law enforcement and possession of multiple drugs with intent to sell. Pardo, on the other hand, was being held as he had been charged with second degree murder for allegedly stabbing another inmate to death in June at a different facility.