‘Married at First Sight’ Season 8: Kate And Luke Have Blowout Argument

The “Married at First Sight” mini-moon was drama-free for some couples. Kate and Luke, unfortunately, never get to be the drama-free couple. Kate decided to reveal to Luke that she told the experts about their secret sex life, and it led to a massive fight in Season 8, episode 13.
Kate and Luke
While grilling with the guys, Luke claims he and Kate haven’t talked about decision day. He apparently has forgotten that Kate said she was thinking about a divorce recently. He says they haven’t even thought about decision day at all, and he doesn’t bring up all of their recent struggles.
Luke tells the cameras that they haven’t been discussing decision day because this is their first good week.
Kate tells the ladies she doesn’t really know what to do. She finally feels connected to Luke and he’s everything she wants on paper. However, she is still bothered that he doesn’t seem to be attracted her. She refrains from talking about her and Luke’s sex life and just talks about their awkward kissing. “How much time am I supposed to give to feel desirable to my husband?” she asks.
Jasmine and Kate go off for a conversation about their relationships. Jasmine wonders if having sex, while awkward, could make Kate and Luke feel closer. Kate admits that she and Luke have had sex and things are still uncomfortable. “It’s just painful for me to be in a relationship where my husband doesn’t desire me,” Kate says.
Later, Luke says that decision day is just “arbitrary,” and he isn’t sure where he is. Kate is surprised to hear him say he hasn’t thought much about it.
Kate decides to tell him that she told Dr. Pepper and Jasmine about their sexual relationship. Luke says he figured she talked to someone about it because she always talks about the things he asks her to avoid. He refers back to when he told her he felt “repulsed” after kissing her on the honeymoon, and she told Pastor Cal.
Kate says she speaks out when she needs advice. She says that she’s not happy with their level of intimacy, and she needs to figure out how it can get better. She starts to get choked up and Luke decides they should start their drive back home.
In the car, Kate explains to Luke what she told Dr. Pepper. Luke says she probably omitted a few details. Kate admits that she left out that she had four glasses of wine before they had sex the first time. Luke says he’d prefer not to have this conversation on camera, but he will. Luke says that he glazes over her drinking problem all the time because he knows Kate doesn’t want it to be a focal point on the show.
Kate still doesn’t feel like it’s a problem. After Luke first brought up the issue, she realized that she had been drinking a lot more and cut back. Luke thinks she is ignoring her drinking problem. She was blackout drunk just days before the mini-moon, and he doesn’t think her behavior is changing.
For Kate, she can’t understand how intimacy and attraction talk always comes back to drinking. She points out that he doesn’t want to be intimate when she’s sober too. She adds that it’s really stressful to be filmed all the time and feel like her husband doesn’t want her.
Kate sees Luke bringing up her drinking as a way he deflects, but Luke says the two are very connected. He claims to be giving her answers, but he thinks she just doesn’t want to hear him. Kate puts headphones in because she needs a break from this argument.
Jasmine and Will
Jasmine tells the other women that she and Will have different points of view that are very firm, so they disagree sometimes. She isn’t sure about decision day. Will, meanwhile, tells the guys that they’re 50/50 about whether to stay married or get divorced.
Jasmine worries that her marriage won’t last if Will never shows that he is attracted to her. When Jasmine has a conversation with Kate, Jasmine says they still aren’t sexually active, and his lack of affection makes her feel unwanted.
They go on a hike and talk about decision day. Will says that he never though he’d be “in the middle” at this point in the “Married at First Sight” process. They agree that it’s been fun, but their marriage has been a real challenge. They still have a lot to consider.
Kristine and Keith
Keith feels good about this trip, especially since he picked up a few cooking tricks from Luke. He takes Kristine to a hotel with a hot tub that’s shaped like a cocktail class. They joke about decision day depending on his cooking skills, but it seems like they’re both on the same page.
Keith is really happy, and he likes that his wife pushes him out of his comfort zone. Kristine seems happy as well. If cooking is their biggest problem come decision day, it seems like these two will likely choose to stay together.
Stephanie and AJ
Stephanie wonders what life with AJ will be like without the cameras. Will his stress and tendency to snap simmer down? Or is this what their life looks like all the time?
The couple goes to a winery where they have a great time, but they’re happy to get back home. That’s when Steph pulls out her garter that AJ never got to take off on their wedding night. Better late than never.
“Married at First Sight” Season 8 airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. EDT on Lifetime.
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