Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle always cradles her baby bump due to a number of different reasons. Pictured: Markle officially opens 'Number 7', a 'Feeding Birkenhead' citizen’s supermarket and community café, on January 14, 2019 in Birkenhead, Merseyside, England. Getty Images/Anthony Devlin-WPA Pool

Meghan Markle has been criticized for always cradling her baby bump, but experts weighed in on why they think this has been the case.

Liz Jones, a columnist for MoS likened Markle cupping her baby bump to the signs in the back of cars that says “baby on board.”

“Virtue signaling, as though the rest of us barren harridans deserve to burn alive in our cars. I do wonder what is to come once Meghan begins to breastfeed… will she milk it for all she’s worth?” she told Daily Mail.

Katharine Graves, a hypnobirthing expert, said that the Duchess of Sussex always cradling her growing baby bump could only mean that she is building a bond with her unborn child. The expert said that women are instinctively drawn to touching their babies while in the womb because it produces oxytocin.

The more oxytocin is in the system, the stronger the contractions will be, which can lead to an easier birth. Placing the hands over the bump can comfort the baby and the pregnant woman as well.

Jo Elvin, the editor of You magazine, said that she is annoyed by Markle’s gesture because it is like Baby Bump Barbie. Elvin noticed that Markle’s positioning is always fixed into one singular, rigid pose that is becoming uncomfortable to watch.

“This is the Duchess of Showbiz we have here. It smacks to me of a focus that’s contrived and relentlessly photo-op ready,” she said.

Harry Witchel, a body language expert, said that Markle tends to cup her baby bump by knitting her fingers together. This gesture suggests that she is holding back and being more grounded.

He contradicted Elvin’s claims and said that Markle doesn’t look like she’s acting. Rather, she looks like someone who is aware of the changes in her body.

Alison Jackson, a photographer, likened Prince Harry’s wife’s framing of her baby bump to Virgin Mary because she looks demure and regal while carrying her most precious cargo. Cradling her baby bump also makes her feel pleased with herself.