A warm compliment or a friendly word goes a long way in making someone's day. The National Say Something Nice Day, which falls on June 1 annually, aims at inspiring this habit among people.

Positive words are a powerful tool to reinforce goodwill and spread cheer, which in turn improve mental health and enrich lives.

Arguably, the person who speaks kind words and the one who is at the receiving end of it reap equal benefits. For example, a person can ease his way into success by treating their colleagues with kindness at the workplace.

National Say Something Nice Day, hence, motivates people to help reduce the buildup of anxiety at the workplace and form better human relationships based on mutual respect.

The history of the day

It originated in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2006 after the then Mayor Keith Summery proclaimed the day on June 1. The founders of the day were said to have been inspired by the book named "Say Something Nice: Be a Lifter at Work," which was written by Mitchell Carnell.

Here are some quotes about kindness that might motivate you to put aside petty enmities and open your heart to those who need love. (Courtesy- randomactsofkindness.org)

  • "When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people," Abraham Joshua Heschel.
  • "Kindness is the ability to know what the right thing to do is and having the courage to do it, "- RAKtivist
  • "Always be a little kinder than necessary,"- James M. Barrie
  • "What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you have to make," – Jane Goodall
  • "A tree is known by its fruits; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love,"- Saint Basil
  • "In a gentle way you can shake the world," – Mahatma Gandhi
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