Despite a number of laws, cyberstalking, cyberbullying and other forms of online harassment are on a steady rise in the United States.
According to a recent study, mothers are also likely to kill their own children the same as fathers. The reasons why mothers kill their own offspring include spousal revenge, altruism, and several other factors.
The last time a new toad species was discovered in the United States was in 1968, and the Wyoming toad is now extinct. The newly found species are at risk already.
Eight people were found dead and about 30 others are in critical state after being discovered in a semi-trailer at a Walmart car park in San Antonio, Texas, on Sunday morning, the police said.
A total solar eclipse will be visible from many parts of the United States on Aug. 21, as the moon’s shadow moves across the country from west to east. NASA offered safety tips for viewing.
Far-right millennials head to Europe to protect them from an African migrant invasion.
A recent study revealed the number of bad air days in the U.S. is on rise. Climate change has affected the levels of smog and ragweed pollen, which in turn are causing respiratory infections among people. We look at some preventive measures to reduce these infections.
While some Christians regard Magdalene as a prostitute or sexually immoral woman, the same view is not agreed upon by the scriptures.
The thyroid plays an important role by producing hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism, heart, brain, reproductive system, kidneys among others.
Washington drivers will have to leave their phones aside while driving or else be slapped with hefty fines under a new distracted driving law that takes effect from Sunday.
Gov. Chris Christie signed a law Friday making New Jersey the third U.S. state to raise its smoking age from 18 to 21.
Almost a week after the shooting of an Australian woman, Minneapolis Police Chief Janee Harteau resigned Friday. Mayor Betsy Hodges was also asked to step down by protesters at the press conference over her handling of police issues.
In a Colorado fight over fracking, emails show constituents begging lawmakers to keep wells away from schools — while industry representatives sent invitations to “receptions” and “seminars.”
Twenty-year-old Abbey Conner died after drowning in chest-high water at a luxury Mexican resort this year.
Women will have to complete the same strenuous training as male candidates.
"I can't help but feel if 911 had been called, we wouldn't be sitting here right now," the student's father said.
The internet had a lot to say about Spicer's departure.
"Get inside, stay inside and stay tuned."
The parrot reportedly repeated "Don't [expletive] shoot!" in the man's voice.
The man, who was identified in local reports as Brett Jackson, jumped into the waters and got away when a shark bit his kayak Thursday.
President Donald Trump’s latest warning to Special Counsel Robert Mueller over expanding the Russia election probe into his family's finances has sparked sharp reactions from all quarters.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy exposes a patient to pure oxygen using a carefully controlled pressurized chamber, aiding a person to breathe better in order to raise the blood oxygen level.
As the White House showcases products from each state as part of its "Made in America" week, President Donald Trump and daughter Ivanka Trump has come under the radar for being hypocrites by not making the concept a part of their own lives.
According to a CNN report, veteran lawyer Cobb will take the lead from inside the White House on the probe when he formally starts his job July 31.
"Kopi Jantan Tradisional Natural Herbs Coffee" was recalled after an FDA analysis confirmed the presence of desmethyl carbodenafil, which is structurally similar to sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra.
Brain Tumour Diagnosis could not prevent John McCain from criticising the Trump administration Thursday over reports it has decided to end a CIA program to arm and train anti-Assad rebels in Syria.
The National Weather Service reported wind gusts of to 75 mph and heavy rains on Wednesday evening and predicted chances of rainfall between Friday night and Saturday morning.
In more than two-minute long video, the teens can be heard laughing, instead of calling for help as a Florida man struggled to stay afloat in a pond.
Paddle boarders came dangerously close to a great white shark in Califonia waters.
Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington was found dead at age 41.