Attacks from an aggressive squirrel prompted warnings in New York City.
A hot microphone catches two senators' honest thoughts about President Donald Trump.
Ann Coulter tells President Donald Trump to "be a man" and fire Jeff Sessions.
A fisherman using a drone to look for fish in Australia captured a gigantic crocodile dragging a whole cow down the river.
The Arizona senator returns to Capitol Hill at a crucial time for health care.
"We are about to do the hardest thing we will ever have to do."
Prosecutors said the woman was charged with negligent homicide for pulling the plug on her fiancé's kayak leading to his death in April 2015.
Half of the people on social media blamed employees like Nick for not doing their job properly and the other half was pretty sure that it was the job of the management to clean the machines.
Born in Groningen, Netherlands, in 1953, Pete Hoekstra served in the House of Representatives from 1993 to 2011. He chaired the House Intelligence Committee between 2004 and 2007, and also founded the Congressional Caucus on the Netherlands.
The video has gone viral and has given the customer instant fame with many praising him for his bravery.
Daniel Stephen Mitchell, 18, was arrested after he abandoned his 16-day-old baby in a parking lot at a Suisun City strip mall in California. The baby was taken to a hospital after the mall officials noticed abnormalities in his eyes.
The study also found that 78 percent of yohimbe exposures occurred in children, ages six or older with one reported death and 1.3 percent cases being deemed serious over a period of 10 years.
The differences between President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions seem to be widening with each passing day.
Nearly a week after he announced he was battling with brain tumor, Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona) said he would participate in the showdown health care vote Tuesday.
A new study concluded that people who spent money on time-saving services are happier as compared to others who don't, regardless of their income levels.
Kyara was conceived in captivity, long before the Sea World was forced to close down its artificial breeding program in March 2016.
President Donald Trump initially promised he would not talk about politics, but went on to discuss Obamacare, his win in the presidential election, and other controversial issues.
In a court document, a UCLA neurologist declared that recorded videos from the past two years show Jahi McMath is actually alive and that her condition is improving with time.
More than 135 people reported falling sick between July 13 and July 16 after visiting a Chipotle restaurant in Virginia.
Support for the president is eroding.
Cornell's death had a severe impact on the Linkin Park singer.
The 51-year-old remains jailed on charges of abducting his 15-year-old student.
It took 6 men and almost 2 hours to reel the shark in.
"Everyone will be forced to relive this horrible nightmare on a daily basis in order to defend this lawsuit and to prepare for trial."
DiNardo and his cousin, Sean Kratz, were charged with criminal homicide in the deaths of four young men.
Normally, HIV patients need to stay on antiretroviral (ART) drugs for a lifetime to make sure that their illness does not escalate to life-threatening proportions.
Brooke Skylar Richardson was charged with reckless homicide, a felony of the third degree, after the remains of her newborn baby were found in her backyard.
Jared Kushner, senior adviser to the White House, becomes the first high-profile individual to testify in the probe to ascertain Russian interference in last year's presidential election.
Child endangerment occurs when a person engages in conduct that places a child in imminent danger of death, bodily injury, or physical or mental impairment.
The disease spreads quickly once it enters the body and attacks the tissue that surrounds the muscles, causing it to die.