Liverpool's Andy Carroll is mobbed by his teammates after scoring the winning goal against Blackburn.

Do Athletes Make Better Doctors?

Researchers from one head and neck specialty program found that a resident having excelled in team sports was a more accurate predictor of success in the program than any of those other factors.

Cartoon Stickers May Sway Kids' Food Choices

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Researchers found that when elementary school students were offered apples and cookies with lunch, kids were more likely to opt for an apple when it was branded with an Elmo sticker.
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Keep Bernanke, Romney Economic Adviser Suggests

Ben Bernanke received an unlikely defense of his work at the U.S. Federal Reserve by a top Mitt Romney adviser, who said on Tuesday that he should be considered for a third term as chairman
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A Best Buy store in Westminster, Colo.

Best Buy Obituaries Already Being Written

Market watchers are writing the obituary for struggling big box electronics retailer Best Buy Co. (NYSE:BBY), whose share price plunged to a nearly four-year low on Tuesday, even as stakeholders waited to see if the new CEO can live up to his reputation.
Reggie Fils-Aime Speaks at E3

Wii U Release Date And Price May Be Announced in September

According to Kotaku, Nintendo will be holding a press conference on September 13, 2012 in New York. Kotaku reports that in a press invitation sent to various outlets, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime will be on-hand to discuss "more about how the Wii U will change the future of gaming and entertainment."
Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Zakaria's Redemption Song: Is This Just What CNN Needs?

The floundering cable network has been in desperate need of a game changer to shake things up, and Zakaria's post-scandal return will offer a welcome change from the din of news pundits harping on the gaffe-of-the-week from the presidential campaign trail.

'Avengers' Gag Reel - Best Moments

Part of what made ?The Avengers? so much fun was the chemistry between the cast. So often, that important spark goes unnoticed between performers, but anyone who pays close attention to film knows that chemistry is just as important as story, direction, or nowadays, special effects.
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Silicon Valley Is Dying - Yammer CEO

David Sacks took to Facebook over the weekend to air his grievances about the state of the revered San Franciso Bay Area long assumed to be the centerpiece for innovation within the tech industry, giving a gloomy prediction of the tech industry's future shortly after selling his own company to Microsoft.
Nicki Minaj in one of her colorful costumes

6 Reasons Why Nicki Minaj Won?t Make A Good American Idol Judge

Like most of you, we were surprised to learn that rapper Nicki Minaj will be joining Mariah Carey as a judge on American Idol next season. With curt credentials like being Lil Wayne's protégé, we're not so sure the colorful lyricist has what it takes to be judge material.


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