Christine Quinn

Living Wage Bill Battle Divides New York City Council

On Tuesday, a City Council committee debated the proposed living wage bill, a controversial legislation that would require companies subsidized by the city to pay employees a minimum of $10 an hour with benefits or $11.50 without benefits.
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Megyn Kelly

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Petitioned to Eat Pepper Spray on TV

Fox News' Megyn Kelly on Monday told Bill O'Reilly that the pepper spray that was recently used on UC Davis protesters is essentially a food product. Since then, a petition has been posted on the Web site, asking Kelly to back up her claim by eating as much pepper spray as was used on each protester's face.
President Obama

Occupy Wall Street Heckles Obama, Descends on GOP [VIDEOS]

President Obama's speech on the American Jobs Act was interrupted today by OWS demonstrators, who have been targeting campaign rallies like Michele Bachmann's for weeks. Obama's reaction however, and that of GOP candidate Ron Paul (watch videos here), show a populist spin most GOP politicians, like Newt Gingrich, continue to ignore.
Singer Rihanna performs during a concert as part of her tour for her latest album ''Loud'' in Nilson Nelson gymnasium in Brasilia September 21, 2011.

Rihanna's 'Talk The Talk' Release Tops iTunes

Grammy-winning singer Rihanna may soon be headed to the top of the album charts after her latest record, Talk That Talk reached No. 1 on iTunes on Tuesday, one day after its release.
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Groupon Shares Slump Close to $20 IPO Price

Groupon Inc stock slumped 15 percent on Tuesday on concern about increased competition, leaving shares of the largest daily deal company close to their $20 initial public offering price.
Bank of America

DOJ Debit Card Fee Review Signals Warning for Banks

The U.S. Department of Justice said it is reviewing statements and actions by big banks and their trade associations to see if they have violated antitrust laws through coordinated action to raise consumer debit card fees. But experts say an actual investigation is fairly unlikely.
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UC Davis Pepper Spraying: Anonymous Goes After Lt. Pike [VIDEO]

In response to Lt. Pike's pepper spray attack on UC Davis students, international hackers Anonymous has posted a video threatening they will make you [Pike] squeal and releasing his personal information online. Some have applauded Anonymous' actions (watch video here) as vigilante justice, but others feel the attack crosses a line. YouTube has since removed the video, labeling it as hate speech.
Archbishop Dolan

Archbishop Dolan, Speaker Quinn Give Back to Harlem Community

At the Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Memorial Community Center in Harlem, Archbishop Dolan and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn joined together to distribute turkeys, stuffing, and other essential foods to help support the local community prepare for their Thanksgiving meals, on Tuesday.
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Ski Season Preview: The Best of the East

As winter chills set in, it's time to dust off the skis and head to the hill! But before you do, check out this guide to the best of the East. This ski season preview has you covered for season dates, best runs, and directions to the top resorts.


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