Latest Pictures of Casey Anthony Released from Orange County Jail.

Casey Anthony Headed to Ohio?

America's Most Hated murder suspect Casey Anthony walked out of the Orange County Jail at 12:10 a.m. with attorney Jose Baez, wearing pink T-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes. Anthony acquitted unanimously of the murder of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee, was not particularly emotional while walking out of the prison. She didn't carry anything with her.

Google Effect: Changes to our Brains

Google Doodle celebrates 2011 American Independence Day
The access to data anytime, anywhere, through search engines like Google, is taking an effect on human memory, according to a new study, ultimately altering the way the brain functions.
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President Barack Obama, D-Ill. with House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio

Debt Deal Likely to Hinge on Tea Party Compromise

Debt deal talks, Day 6: Unless the Tea Party compromises, a U.S. Government default is likely. For many voters, the Tea Party stance appears extreme, irresponsible, even irrational. But for Tea Party supporters, it’s a logical and necessary stance, when any compromise with a Democratic president is viewed as a defeat.

Grapes Can Prevent Alzheimer’s: Study

A study conducted by New York researchers have found that grape seed polyphenols an antioxidant may help prevent the development or delay the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
Google+ Statistics

Google Q2 Revenue 32% Plus, Google+ 10 Million Users are Mostly Male

Google continues to wow the world, this time with some real pluses. In its Q2 earnings announcement, the search engine giant revealed that its revenue grew 30 percent year-on-year in the second quarter to $9.03 billion, according to the company's report released on Thursday. Google+ has gathered 10 million users in its first two weeks of beta test.
Leiby Kletzky

Murder Suspect Levi Aron Used to Beat Ex-wife

Levi Aron, the alleged murderer of the 8-year-old Brooklyn boy Leiby Kletzky, had his ex-wife so scared of him, that in 2006, she had asked Memphis authorities for protection from him. She said, he'd punched her with a closed fist, threatened to ruin her name in the community and have her children taken away.

VitaminWater Bus Ads Will Charge Your Phone

Vitaminwater is highlighting its reviving and replenishing qualities in the form of a highly creative advertising campaign where people can simply plug in their, phone, Ipad's and gaming devices into a Vitaminwater bus stop advertisement.


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