Ceylan Yeginsu

901-930 (out of 1061)

For Sale: Space Food and Tiles From NASA

NASA's space shuttle program may have retired but a new recycling program is underway as the space agency has started selling space food and tiles to schools and universities.

Russia Finds Cause of Space Cargo Crash

After a thorough investigation into the cause of the sudden crash of a Russian supply ship, the Russian Space Agency has found that the accident was caused by a manufacturing flaw.

The Sun Blazes with Bigger Solar Flares

The sun has let off some heat this week in the form of unusually strong class solar flares that have blazed from its surface letting of a giant ball of solar material.

Meteorites Showered Earth with Gold

A closer looks at the Earth's crust has revealed that there are many more precious metals on Earth than expected, thought to have come from a rain of meteors billions of years ago.

Warning: NASA Needs More Astronauts

Human spaceflight is evolving but the United States does not currently have enough astronauts to meet the demands according to the National Research Council.
