If you’re one of the many women who struggle to see any tangible results even after busting your hump in the gym or watching every single calorie you consume, don’t feel alone.
There are two types of poopers in this world: Type A has their pooping down to a science. They go every day at the same time and usually (if they can help it) in the same toilet. Then there's Type B. This group heeds nature's calls less frequently with no real ritual to its toilet habits. So, which of these two is the healthier option? Both.
Everyone is looking for a quick way to lose weight but these diet trends are actually incredibly dangerous.
Sugar. Just the thought of a sweet snack can make even the most hardcore dieter weak at the knees. The promise of a single fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie can make children eat an entire plate of vegetables or motivate couch potatoes to run that one extra mile. So what exactly does sugar do to our brains that make it so, well addictive?
Studies show that consuming cheese on a daily basis and low levels of heart disease are correlated.
According to a 2013 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study, 43 percent of adults drink less than four cups of water a day, 36 percent drink one to three cups, and seven percent drink none at all.
Diets have been compared to religions: Some followers are strict adherents while others take a few liberties, and both frequently contain themes of a cleanse or purification. So it’s no surprise that many diets for weight loss were inspired by religions.
Poor diet is linked to one of every five deaths around the world, a study found. The United States also suffers from an epidemic of bad eating habits, most visible in the form of obesity.
Two new studies showed that ketogenic diet helps improve memory in old age.
As childhood obesity in the U.S. grows, researchers find that guidelines to prevent the problem are not being followed.
A recent study suggests consistently shedding pounds every week can turn out to be a more effective strategy if you are looking to lose weight in the long run.
While some clean eating plans are focused on a balanced diet, others are extreme.
Drinking green tea can reduce the negative health effects of a Western diet, from weight gain to poor brain function.
The company says this high-tech headset stimulates the brain to boost your metabolism.
The Mediterranean diet is high in fish and vegetables.
Food on the mind.
Tweaks to your eating habits can make more of an impact than you may realize.
Teeth don’t lie.
Members of indigenous tribes may have better health than the rest of us.
Often times people crave sweets and sugar because their diet is too low in whole grains, fruits and vegetables.
There is a troubling link between a fat-rich diet common in the West and brain-related ailments that can actually impair our ability to avoid overeating.
A very low-carb diet can prompt changes in your brain similar to that caused by the illicit drug GHB.