Star Wars Episode 9
A new character in "Star Wars: Episode 9" is a First Order snitch. Star Wars/Facebook

Details of a new character in “Star Wars: Episode 9” have surfaced online. The character is a snitch or an agent who works for the First Order, and he will get the heroes in trouble in the film.

The following article contains “Star Wars: Episode 9” spoilers.

According to Making Star Wars, sources who are familiar with the production of the upcoming film have shared details about a new character on the snow-covered planet Kijimi. The character has limited screen time, comparable to Unkar Plutt (Simon Pegg) in “The Force Awakens,” but he will play a big role in the movie.

The name of the new character hasn’t been revealed yet, but he has been described as someone who could be a First Order snitch and a rival to Keri Russell’s Zorri Bliss. The new character will share details about the heroes on Kijimi with the First Order, making a group of Storm Troopers to come in search of them.

Zorri Bliss is also a new neutral character in “Star Wars: Episode 9.” A preview of the film by Variety described her as a masked scoundrel who will be seen in the Thieves’ Quarter. The character is expected to help the heroes escape Kijimi.

The new villainous character is also based around the Thieves’ Quarter. The character has been compared to Dave Bautista’s Drax in “Guardians of the Galaxy,” but the only difference is that the character in “Star Wars” film is a cyborg.

The heroes are expected to stay for a short time on the planet Kijimi, but the characters there appear to have some distinct and memorable looks. Russell too is happy with her costume, even though it is unclear whether the fans will get to see her face in the movie. In a previous interview with “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” the actress said that she has “the coolest costume.”

“Star Wars: Episode 9” has been directed by JJ Abrams. The film will be released on Dec. 20.