Tests conducted to search for natural gas and oil may be to blame for the death of 180 dolphins since February 2010, according to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
Burger King announced a new menu on Monday in an attempt to revive the brand and win over new customers with healthier and tastier meal options. The new menu features 14 brand-new items, but these five take the cake. Read about them, then go give them a try!
A new survey of U.S. teenagers finds that most have used alcohol and drugs by the time they reach adulthood, and researchers say that could be setting up many of them for a lifetime of substance abuse.
As the sensual Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy continues to rise in sales, changes in the publishing industry cannot be denied. The self publishing trend has allowed book lovers to enjoy works from emerging authors at a very low cost.
The trailer for the 2012 movie remake Sparkle debuted on The Today Show on Monday, featuring the late Whitney Houston in her last role in the two-minute teaser video.
In combating the tobacco epidemic, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has released two separate draft guidance documents designed to help implement provisions of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act.
Social media has provided a platform for users to share their favorite memories, photos and anything else that comes to mind. But a new site has expanded this to include another Web-based addiction: porn.
Controversial actor Charlie Sheen took to the Today Show Friday morning for an interview with Matt Lauer, where he failed to impress this writer yet again. Maybe he should just go die.
The lottery preys on the poor, the uneducated, the desperate and the hopeless…
Chris Klein is 19 months sober.
Opana is the hot new prescription drug of abuse, sometimes with tragic consequences. Back in high school in Houston, Texas, C.J. Coomer got good grades and played football. He was dark-haired and handsome, popular with his friends and doted on by his family.
The development of a novel antidepressant ground to a halt this week when researchers found it did not make patients feel any better than the pills they were already taking.
Canadian singer-songwriter Ariane Moffatt, who is based in Quebec, released her fourth album with some tracks in English. Things have gone well for her since... except for those rumors about sex addiction.
Carnie Wilson is continuing her long struggle with weight loss as the singer recently underwent a second surgery to drop 30 pounds. View the slideshow to see photos of Carnie Wilson of Wilson Phillips and her weight loss and gain over the years.
El DeBarge was riding high off the recent Grammy nomination he received when he was arrested in Encino, CA. for drug possession with intent to sell.
Whitney Houston is the latest celebrity whose addiction to prescription pills ended in an untimely demise. On Tuesday, reps for Mike The Situation Sorrentino quickly refuted claims from TMZ that the reality star had checked into rehab, but last night the Situation took to his Facebook page to set the record straight.
This is Debarge's third drug-related arrest.
Demi Moore, who hasn't shown her face much since her stint in rehab earlier this year after her break up with Ashton Kutcher, is now showing a radically different face for a new advertisement for a Helena Rubinstein campaign, with critics saying the photos used too much airbrush editing and Photoshop.
Reports have surfaced that Australian swimsuit model, Simone Farrow, has been running an international drug ring. Her arrest comes after her month long status as a fugitive. The sensational incident is one of many that involve models and drugs.
Turns out that fruit flies, like humans, tend to their romantic wounds by drinking.
Here's a rundown of the top 5 freakiest My Strange Addiction videos, from the girl who sniffs a doll head wherever she goes to the man who has a romantic obsession with his car.
The fight against drugs got a little more interesting after a Canadian research group found that prescribing heroin to junkies may be more cost effective than standard methadone treatments.