Macaulay Culkin And Other Child Stars Who Became 'Druggies' [PHOTOS]

Rumors that child star Macaulay Culkin was addicted to heroin and prescription pain killer oxycodone surfaced after the National Enquirer posted a story on their front cover that Culkin only had six months to live. If the rumors turn out to be true, he would not be the only child star who grew up to become addicted to drugs.
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Mick Jagger

Mick Jagger Had Sex With Over 4,000 Women…And David Bowie, Biographer Chris Andersen Says In New Book

Biographer Chris Anderson said that Rolling Stones front man Mick Jagger has had sex with over 4,000 women, one of which was Angelina Jolie, during his career -- but that's just a low estimate. Anderson, who recently penned Mick: The Wild Life and Mad Genius of Jagger, said 68-year-old Jagger has even slept with David Bowie, whom he had an ongoing affair with during the bisexual revolution in America. And he still couldn't get no satisfaction???
Nicole ''Snooki'' Polizzi from the MTV reality series ''Jersey Shore'' poses on arrival at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards in Los Angeles August 28, 2011.

MTV Reps Are Mum On ?Jersey Shore? VD Clause

The alleged VD clause in the Jersey Shore cast members' contract raises an important question about how much TV networks should be allowed to divorce themselves from the physical and mental well-being of their cast members and contestants.

Michael Giannulis, 493-Pound Man, Drops 255 Pounds On ?Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition? [PHOTOS]

Michael Giannulis was 28-years-old and weighed 493 pounds and on the verge of danger from obesity. That's when he tried his luck as a participant on ABC's Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition. With the prodding from his brother and trainer Chris Powell, Giannulis embarked on a year-long journey with a goal to lose half of his body weight. Giannulis is celebrating his success today, at 238 pounds, half of his original weight. View the slideshow to see before and after photos of Mik...
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Drunk Drivers Show Risky Lifetime Drinking Habits: Study

In interviews with 700 adults with a drunk-driving conviction, researchers found that nearly half had either been drinking heavily for the long haul, or had fallen back into heavy drinking after trying to cut down for a time.


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