NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover has discovered a metal meteorite while exploring the Red Planet.
"And that's 10! With a final tube drop, I've completed the diverse backup set of samples I'm setting down," NASA said on Twitter.
M&M's are dropping their longtime mascots after Republican outrage followed the character's recent rebrands.
"Thanks for staying with me."
It was found to be five times larger than the second-largest marsquake.
"It was fully caught red-handed," said German Martinez, of the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston.
This week's celestial event offered incredible celestial views.
"We are going back to the moon. We're working towards a sustainable program, and this is the vehicle that will carry the people that will land us back on the moon again," NASA official said.
The findings have great implications for our understanding of the origin of life not only on Earth but also on Mars.
The two moons of Mars -- Phobos and Deimos -- are named after the gods of "fear" and "panic" in Greek mythology by American astronomer Asaph Hall.
Lead author and geoscientist Benjamin Cardenas believes that "this is exactly the type of place where ancient Martian life could have evolved".
The crater is the largest ever observed since the MRO began its Mars orbit 16 years ago.
"But one thing is for certain, we won't be able to recover the spacecraft anymore," unnamed official told the Times of India.
Debris on Mars comes from three main sources: discarded hardware, inactive spacecraft and crashed spacecraft.
Building on the findings of this study, future research may find better printing materials with the use of different metals or 3D printing techniques.
It took a decade to put the map together.
"Valles Marineris is almost ten times longer, 20 times wider and five times deeper than the Grand Canyon," the ESA said.
Current Mars rovers reportedly dig just about two inches deep.
InSight Mars lander will get a few more weeks of scientific operations.
The shiny object appeared to be wedged between rocks.
The Mars lander looks significantly dustier in its final photo compared to how it was in its first selfie.
It's said to be the largest quake to be logged on another planet.