The attack, which occurred just hours after launch, may have originated in China.
'Warlords Of Draenor' is now available on the PC and Mac, and Blizzard launched a day one patch for the title.
More than 25,000 Blizzard fans turned up for BlizzCon in Anaheim this past weekend.
'Destiny' was one of the company's highest-grossing games in 2014, according to its latest report.
Pre-orders start for the latest version of the massively multi-player game.
Blizzard confirmed it was stopping development on Project Titan.
“NetEase,” a Chinese company best known for Internet games, is now shipping pork to customers.
Microsoft said it was unaware government agencies were considering using the Kinect to spy on citizens.
Leaked documents recently revealed the NSA and GCHQ almost used the Xbox 360 Kinect camera to spy on users.
A virtual battle in "EVE Online" could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Blizzard announced that "World of Warcraft" reached 100 million users.
Apple has flatly denied that it had any involvement in Project DROPOUTJEEP, but how true is the claim?
It’s no secret that the NSA has been spying on the American people. We just don’t know how far it runs.
The NSA admits to spying on gamers.
Surveillance was conducted under the guise of a national security and anti-terrorism campaign, but agents uncovered nothing.
The NSA and FBI, among other agencies, have employed a number of agents to play MMORPGs and uncover suspected terrorist plots.
U.S. and U.K. spy agencies did not obtain permission to spy on games such as “World of Warcraft” and "Second Life."
Legendary Pictures chooses its cast for World of Warcraft movie.
"Diablo 3" and "World of Warcraft" have been hit with brand new server issues, making the game unplayable for many.
Here are the list of hotfixes added to "World of Warcraft" Patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar.
Blizzard has released a guide to "World of Warcraft" Patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar.
"World of Warcraft" subscribers now number at 7.7 million. Could "League of Legends" and "DOTA 2" be the cause?