Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba is set to be the latest big name to back augmented reality company Magic Leap, with reports suggesting it will invest $200 million.
The hackers demanded the equivalent of $123,000 in exchange for not reselling stolen data on a dark net forum.
Users will be able to search through 2 trillion old posts. Don't let your teenage years come back to haunt you.
The British broadband provider has hired BAE Systems to look into Friday’s attack.
Investor interest in Uber appears to be continuing on its growth trajectory as the company reportedly is set for another fundraising round.
This comes after Popcorn Time developers left in an exodus over a financial dispute.
Attacks by hackers holding access to computers for ransom are typically traced back to Russia or Eastern Europe, where technical skills are in heavy supply, but jobs aren't.
Despite a victory lap over its new polling section, the media giant refused to publish a racial and gender breakdown of its newsroom.
“There is is no judgment, censorship or repercussion here," said a message on the site. "We are truly free.”
The online retail giant's shares jumped after a quarterly report.
Company founder Yury Melnichek's story bears a strong resemblance to that of Richard Hendricks from "Silicon Valley."
Your first step after buying a new Internet-enabled product should always be to change the password.
Code-sharing website GitHub is investigating a cyberattack against the website.
A new report on cybersecurity says 26.6 percent of all malware attacks in 2015 were aimed at healthcare sites.
Criminals in France figured out how to dupe the PIN verification on chip-and-PIN credit cards being rolled out in the U.S., researchers said.
Internet-based businesses have opened up a new front for outsourcing to India, home to millions of youth with little education and few job prospects.
The service has been used to create more than 15 million photo animations and collages since its May launch.
The site's newsroom has gone from 74 percent white to less than 68 percent white this year, rivaling the Washington Post.
In the "Internet of Things" era, customers just won't do business with companies they don't trust with their data.
The teen said he cracked accounts belonging to John Brennan and Avril Haines, deputy national security adviser for the White House.
Hackers often repost user credentials that are already available to boost their own reputations.
The defendants allegedly offered fake reviews for as little as $5 each and some encouraged sellers to write their own.
What started as a joke has morphed into a viral marketing campaign unaffiliated with the Vermont senator.
The breach is believed to have been the work of hackers with connections to Russia.
India's mobile Internet-based economy is spreading to include local services, from plumbing to laptop repairs, as investors back more startups.
Privacy activists and major tech firms are typically at odds, but they both oppose a Senate proposal called the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act.
The adult site follows Google, Twitter and other mainstream sites in taking steps against harassment.
Omid Kordestani previously served as chief business officer at Google and held positions at Hewlett-Packard and Netscape Communications.
A veteran U.S. military officer is applying the principles of warfare in the fight against hackers who go after the cloud.
Merchants using Visa will get faster information about new malware and hacking incidents.