US to Lay Out Case for Killing Citizens Suspected of Terrorism

Attorney General Eric Holder will give a speech Monday outlining the legal justification for use of deadly force in the assassination of U.S.-born al Qaeda cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, according to an official in President Barack Obama's administration.

Steve Bridges Dies At 48: Best of George W. Bush Impersonator [VIDEO]

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Bridges, best known for his impression of President George W. Bush, President Barack Obama and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, was found dead Saturday in his Los Angeles home at age 48. Watch his most masterful performances here, including when he and President Bush spoke side-by-side at the White House Correspondent's Association dinner in 2006.
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Ron Paul Unimpressed by Limbaugh Apology

Rep. Ron Paul expressed doubt Sunday that Rush Limbaugh was sincere when he apologized for calling a law student a slut over her support for President Barack Obama's new policy on insurance coverage of contraceptives.
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Romney Closes in on Santorum in Ohio Poll

Mitt Romney closed in on Rick Santorum in Ohio and picked up a crucial endorsement in Virginia on Sunday as he grows in strength ahead of Super Tuesday, the biggest day yet in the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.
Full Text of Obama AIPAC Speech 2012

Full Text of Obama AIPAC 2012 Speech

Read Obama's address to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee conference, where he talks about his commitment to Israel and the dangers of Iran's nuclear program.

Obama AIPAC Speech 2012: I Have Israel's Back

At his annual address at the pro-Israel lobby group AIPAC Sunday morning, President Barack Obama sought to reaffirm his commitment to Israel's security while warning against too much loose talk of war that has driven up the cost of oil.
If Rush Limbaugh hasn't already offended enough young women across America, today's comment might just do it. On this morning's show, the controversial radio host made another insulting inference aimed at the female population.

Rush to Judgment: Limbaugh Feels Lash of Angry Advertisers, Still

Rush Limbaugh, host of Clear Channel Communications Inc.'s The Rush Limbaugh Show, apologized Saturday for unflattering statements he made on his radio talk show Thursday about Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown University law student and women's-rights activist. The apology wasn't enough for some show sponsors.
Louisiana Primary 2012: What to Watch For

In Time for Super Tuesday, Mitt Romney Ties Rick Santorum in Ohio: Poll

With Mitt Romney springing ahead and Rick Santorum falling behind, the Republican Party's presidential primary election in Ohio is looking like a dead heat, setting the stage for a cliffhanger of a contest on Super Tuesday this week, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Sunday.
People's Liberation Army China

China Boosts Defense Budget by 11.2 Percent

China will boost military spending by 11.2 percent this year, the government said on Sunday, unveiling Beijing's first defense budget since President Barack Obama launched a pivot to reinforce U.S. influence across the Asia-Pacific.
U.S. President Barack Obama

Obama AIPAC Speech 2012: Where to Watch Live Stream

U.S. President Barack Obama will be making a speech at the annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) policy conference on Sunday, a day before a critical meeting with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about Iran.
Barack Obama

Obama, GOP Trade Barbs on Rising Gas Prices, Energy Policy Reform

As gasoline prices rise around the country, topping $4 per gallon in many cities, President Barack Obama faces increasing pressure about his long-term energy policy. In his weekly radio address, Obama said that stronger auto mileage standards set under his administration, and better-built cars made in the U.S., will help Americans save money in the long term.
Radio show host Limbaugh speaks at a forum hosted by the Heritage Foundation in Washington

Obama, Advertisers Denounce Rush Limbaugh Slur in Birth Control Debate

The ostentatious conservative political pundit Rush Limbaugh drew himself further into controversy after calling a law school student a slut and prostitute in the aftermath of her testimony before Congress about the need for birth control coverage. On Friday, President Barack Obama called Sandra Fluke -- the 30-year-old, third-year Georgetown University law school student who spoke in front of Congress -- to commend her for her willingness to speak out about her cause.
Citigroup Chairman Richard Parsons waits for an address by President Barack Obama about the global financial crisis, at Federal Hall in New York September 14, 2009.

O'Neill to Succeed Parsons as Citigroup Chairman

Citigroup Inc. announced Friday that Richard Parsons would quit as chairman of the firm at its annual meeting in April and Michael O'Neill, the former chief executive of Bank of Hawaii Corp, would succeed him.
Super Tuesday 2012: Ranking the Candidates' Chances, From Ohio to Alaska

What Is Super Tuesday? What to Watch Out For

It's one of the biggest nights of the election year, and for the GOP presidential nomination contest, it could be a game-changer. Although the GOP primaries and caucuses began two months ago on Jan. 3 in Iowa, in recent weeks, everything has been building up to Super Tuesday.
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Michael Savage Raises Question of Andrew Breitbart 'Assassination'

Staunch conservative American radio host and political commentator Michael Savage has raised the question that President Barack Obama may have arranged the assassination Andrew Breitbart. At the beginning of his radio show this morning, Savage played audio of Breitbart speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington last month.
Sandra Fluke - contraception

Sandra Fluke Gets Call from President Obama

President Barack Obama waded again into the controversy over a mandate that health insurance plans cover contraception by calling and thanking Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown law student whom conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh labeled a slut for backing the policy.


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