Bernanke: Progress Lowering Unemployment Could Fade

U.S. Federal Reserve
The U.S. economy would have to strengthen to ensure that the unacceptably high jobless rate keeps dropping, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Wednesday, suggesting the option of further Fed bond buying remains on the table.

Bernanke: Progress cutting unemployment could fade

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The U.S. economy would have to strengthen to ensure that the unacceptably high jobless rate keeps dropping, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Wednesday, suggesting the option of further Fed bond buying remains on the table.
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Bernanke: Job market far from normal

The uneven U.S. economic recovery will have to pick up in order to quickly bring down an unacceptably high jobless rate, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Wednesday.
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Mitt Romney Wins Arizona, But Michigan True Test of Race

Romney Wins Arizona, Edges Ahead of Santorum in Michigan

DETROIT (Reuters) - Mitt Romney edged ahead of rival Rick Santorum in Michigan's Republican presidential primary on Tuesday as the former front-runner fought to avoid a humiliating defeat in the Rust Belt State where he grew up.
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Romney, Santorum Tied in Michigan With 10 Percent of Vote Counted

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum were virtually tied at about 40 percent each with 10 percent of the vote counted in the Republican presidential primary in Michigan on Tuesday, according to early vote counts broadcast on television networks.
Santorum Wants to Win Michigan; Democrats Want to Help

Santorum Wants to Win Michigan; Democrats Want to Help

There are very few things Rick Santorum and Democrats have in common, but both want liberals and independents to vote for the GOP hopeful in the Michigan primary tonight. Both just want it for very different reasons.
Rick Santorum

Could 'Operation Hilarity' Aid Romney's Downfall in Michigan?

On Monday, Michael Moore assured MSNBC Host Rachel Maddow his Democratic friends in Michigan would cast a ballot in the state's open primary to aid Santorum, a move they believe will ultimately make it easier for President Obama to win a second term in November.
Barack Obama

Obama Creates Trade Enforcement Unit

President Barack Obama will sign an executive order on Tuesday creating a new trade enforcement agency to ensure the nation's trading partners, namely China, play fair.
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Obama to Sign Order Creating Trade Enforcement Unit

President Barack Obama, following through on a promise to beef up enforcement of trade agreements, on Tuesday will sign an executive order creating a new government team to make sure China and others play by the rules, the White House said.
U.S. Republican presidential candidates, former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R) laugh as they shake hands at the conclusion of the Republican presidential candidates debate in Mesa, Arizona, Feb. 22, 2012.

Michigan Momentum May Be Shifting Santorum's Way, Polls Find

Republican voters in Arizona and Michigan will decide Tuesday who they would like their party to nominate against President Barack Obama. The contest in Michigan is seen as a must-win for Romney, who was born in the state and continues to face doubts about his campaign's central premise -- that he is best positioned to defeat Obama in November.
2012 Election

Mitt Romney Braces for Crucial Michigan Poll

Mitt Romney faces a day of reckoning on Tuesday when Michigan votes to either grant him a big victory in the Republican presidential nomination battle or hand him a humiliating defeat.
Keystone Pipeline, North Dakota

White House Backs Part of Keystone XL Pipeline

White House officials Monday welcomed TransCanada's plans to reapply for the Keystone XL pipeline and showed their support for the company's aims to build the southern portion of the controversial pipeline as a standalone project.


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