Andrew Breitbart: A Life In 20 Controversial, Bombastic, Uncompromising Quotes

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From the Great Society to the Tea Party, mentor Matt Drudge to the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, the conservative Internet mogul delighted in his ability to shock, offend and infuriate the mainstream media and prominent politicians on the left. Here, read Breitbart's most famous and infamous quotes on everyone from Clarence Thomas to Shirley Sherrod.

States Leaving Behind No Child Left Behind

Another 26 states and the District of Columbia have requested a federal waiver from parts of the No Child Left Behind law, bringing the total number of exemption-seekers to 38 and underscoring the widespread view that the landmark 2001 education overhaul has been a failure.
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Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh ‘Slut’ Comment: Who Is Sandra Fluke?

On his Wednesday radio show, inflammatory commentator Rush Limbaugh called a Georgetown University law student a “slut” and a “prostitute.” The target of these attacks was Sandra Fluke, who has testified in favor of insurance coverage for contraceptive healthcare.
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Transocean says may face $473 million U.S. tax bill

Transocean Ltd may face $473 million in U.S. back taxes, according to its annual filing, though it also said it was cleared in a similar dispute dating back eight years, which may give its lawyers a useful precedent.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un

N. Korea-U.S. Nuclear Deal: Fresh Start or False Dawn?

North Korea has agreed with the United States to suspend major elements of its atomic weapons program in a surprise breakthrough that could pave the way for the resumption of long-stalled nuclear disarmament talks with the secretive state.
US Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO) walks to his office to call fellow Republicans to rally support for a bill to provide a $700 billion bailout for the financial and banking crisis.

Senate Heads for Showdown Vote on Contraceptive Coverage

The Senate is expected Thursday to defeat a largely symbolic measure that would exempt employers such as Roman Catholic hospitals, universities and charities from a controversial White House rule requiring free birth control coverage.
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Bernanke warns of slow progress ahead on jobs

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Wednesday offered a tempered view of the U.S. economy, pouring cold water on the notion that recent upbeat signs herald a stronger recovery.


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