Mitt Romney

Mormon Faith Only Hurts Romney in Primaries: Pew Research Center

According to a new Pew Research Center poll, a third of Republicans think Mormonism isn't a Christian religion, and these people are less likely to support Romney for the Republican nomination. But if Romney does get the nomination, an overwhelming majority of Republicans would vote for him over President Barack Obama.

Conservative Senator John Thune Endorses Romney, Three Days After Ayotte

Mitt Romney
Sen. John Thune, R-South Dakota, endorsed Mitt Romney on Wednesday, just three days after Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire gave her endorsement. Thune and Ayotte are both strong conservatives, so their backing may increase Romney's credibility among the voters who are most hesitant to support him.
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Ron Paul

Ron Paul 2012: What Are His Positions?

Ron Paul, R-Texas, a libertarian congressman, has gained popularity recently among likely Republican voters in Iowa and New Hampshire. Here are his positions on the issues.
CNN Republican Debate

Winner of Republican National Security Debate: The Economy?

Republicans faced off in a national security-themed debate at Constitution Hall in Washington D.C. and broadcast on CNN. The gathering did little to change the dynamic of a race that has seen a carousel of candidates tested as a possible better-option to former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
Foreign Policy Debate

GOP Debate on Foreign Policy: Top Quotes and Gaffes

At the CNN National Security Debate in Washington, D.C., Romney, Huntsman and Paul proved themselves the strongest GOP candidates, while Bachmann and Perry barely squeaked by and Cain and Santorum were left floundering. Here, read the top quotes of the night, and get a full rundown of the Republican candidates' performances.
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Business Leaders Urge U.S., EU Consider Trade Pact

After President Barack Obama's commitment this month to a transpacific free trade agreement, business leaders in Europe and United States are asking for a similar initiative across the North Atlantic to spur economic growth and create jobs.
Barack Obama

Businesses Fret as Congress Dallies on Tax Cut

Bonus season could come early this year for employees who are paid on commissions, payroll servicers said on Tuesday, if Congress fails to extend the Obama administration's payroll tax cuts beyond 2011.
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Jetmakers battle for United order: sources

Airbus and Boeing are bidding to sell around 150 jets to United Continental as the world's largest airline joins an industry-wide scramble for fuel savings, people familiar with the matter said.
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Tony Rezko Gets 10 Years in Prison

Tony Rezko, a one-time adviser to the embattled former Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich, has been sentenced to ten-and-a-half years in prison.
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Nebraska lawmakers vote to reroute pipeline

Nebraska lawmakers on Tuesday voted unanimously to reroute a controversial proposed U.S.-to-Canada oil pipeline away from an ecologically-sensitive region in the state, and the governor quickly signed the measure into law.
2012 Election

Romney Holds 27-Point Lead in New Hampshire: Suffolk University Poll

Mitt Romney is still the leader in New Hampshire by a margin of more than 25 points, and he's the only candidate with an approval rating above 50 percent. He and Newt Gingrich are tied in terms of who voters think would do best in a debate against President Barack Obama, and they're also the only candidates whom a majority of voters consider presidential.
Clouds pass over Capitol Hill in Washington

Super Committee Chairs Announce Deadlock

The members of the super committee officially announced a failure to reach a deal on cutting at least a $1.2 trillion hole in the federal budget deficit, ahead of its official Nov. 23 deadline. The move has sent lawmakers searching for a new plan and ways to dodge blame.


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