Mitt Romney and Kelly Ayotte

Romney Gets Conservative Endorsement in New Hampshire

Mitt Romney secured two important endorsements in New Hampshire over the weekend, bolstering his presidential campaign in response to a surge by Newt Gingrich. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, a conservative Republican, announced her endorsement on Sunday, followed by U.S. Rep. Charlie Bass, a moderate Republican, on Monday.
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Rahm Emanuel Stumps for Obama in Iowa

Rahm Emanuel, former White House Chief of Staff, is stumping for his old boss in Iowa as the GOP candidates crisscross the state criticizing President Barack Obama.
Congress' Super Committee

U.S. Deficit Super Committee Risk: Inciting Downgrade Drama II

Some economists are warning that failure to reach a plan by the super committee could cause another credit rating downgrade for the U.S., similar to the S&P downgrade, which sent shock and uninspired awe rippling through global financial markets. Reasonably, one might expect the super committee to reach agreement on a plan, considering the amount of money they are dealing with -- $1.5 trillion -- is small in the big scheme of things.
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Indonesia to buy 24 refurbished US F-16 fighters

The United States plans to supply 24 refurbished F-16C/D fighter aircraft to Indonesia, the presidents of the two countries announced in Bali on Friday on the fringes of an Asia-Pacific summit.
Boeing Obama

Obama Praises Boeing-Indonesia Jet Deal

President Barack Obama welcomed on Friday a $21.7 billion jet deal his administration helped broker between Boeing and an Indonesian airline, calling it a win-win for U.S. workers and Asian consumers
Congress' Super Committee

Super Committee on the Brink of Collapse

The U.S. Congress' budget deficit super committee appears to be on the verge of a complete collapse. Republicans and Democrats on the committee are at loggerheads: Republicans apparently want to permanently extend the Bush-era income tax cuts, Democrats don't.
The U.S. Capitol dome and U.S. Senate in Washington

U.S. Congress Raises FHA Mortgage Limits

The U.S. House and Senate voted to increase the threshold of mortgages backed by the Federal Housing Adminstration (FHA) to $729,750, a move that would give more homeowners access to lower interest rates.


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