Obama, in Australia, Announces Basing of Marines in Darwin

Barack Obama Australia vist
President Barack Obama and Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard Wednesday unveiled plans for a deepening of the U.S. military presence in the Asia-Pacific, starting with thousands of U.S. Marines operating out of a de facto military base in the Australian port of Darwin.
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China FDI Remains Strong, but Export Outlook Darkens

Foreign direct investment into China climbed nearly 16 percent in the first 10 months of 2011 from a year earlier as foreign investors continued to flock to the world's fastest-growing major economy despite the global economic malaise.
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Makana Sings Protest Song on Summit Dinner to Support Occupy Movement (Video)

Makana, a Hawaiian singer, performed to support the Occupy Movement at a dinner in Honolulu, which was hosted by President Barack Obama for Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation Summit participants from 21 economies around the Asia-Pacific, including Obama family, Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.
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Doctors Group Supports Fight on Drug Shortages

The American Medical Association threw its support behind government efforts to ensure the supply of lifesaving medicines but stopped short of recommending financial penalties against drug companies.
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Currency Remarks by Obama Provoke Criticism in China

The Chinese state media has accused U.S. President Barack Obama of using Beijing to deflect attention from his country's economic woes. The accusation, made by the Xinhua news agency, comes after Obama hit out at Chinese currency policy.
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House and Senate Reach Deal to Avert Government Shutdown

Congressional negotiators agreed late Monday night to extend funding for many U.S. government programs to mid-December in a bipartisan move to avert any shutdown of agency operations that would otherwise occur by this weekend.
Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich 2012: Polls Reveal Lead For New 'Not-Romney' Frontrunner

Two national polls show Newt Gingrich leading in the Republican presidential primaries, toppling Herman Cain and even besting Mitt Romney in one poll by ten percentage points.While some credit his strong GOP debate performances, experts say his rise is the result of an anybody-but-Romney campaign, sure to change in the weeks to come.
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Herman Cain: The Weary Traveler

Under normal circumstances, we could feel sorry for Herman Cain, who has never before held political office. If he were still just a businessman, it would all be horribly unfair. But Cain is more than that now, for the moment at least. He became a legitimate contender for the highest office -- President of the United States. With that comes the terrible trail, the one candidates must must be able to navigate like carefully stepping through a mine field with 1,000 pounds on their back if they hop...
Herman Cain

Cain's 'Oops Moment' on Libya: Candidate's Major Stumble [VIDEO]

Herman Cain had a memory lapse to rival Gov. Rick Perry in a recent interview, when the GOP presidential hopeful failed to remember much of the Libyan uprising and any of the Obama administration's actions in Libya. Watch Cain here, and review his attempts to remedy the stumble, arguing foreign policy isn't something presidents need to know.
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Herman Cain Stumbles on Foreign Policy Question About Libya

Herman Cain struggled to answer a question about President Barack Obama's handling of Libya in an interview with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel on Monday, first asking whether Obama had supported the rebellion against Moammar Gadhafi and then saying that he would have gone about assessing the situation differently, which might have caused us to end up in the same place.
Obama APEC

Obama at APEC: Outlines New Trade Pact Framework, Chastises China

President Barack Obama spent a weekend reiterating his belief the United States' economic future rests upon success across its westward ocean, engaging in the leaders of 21 nations in the Pacific Rim during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Hawaii.
Super Committee

'Super Committee' Mulling Avoiding Tax Decisions

According to various reports, members of Congress' super committee are mulling a broad outline of objectives for revenue increases, with the Senate Finance and House Appropriations committees to iron out how those goals will be met next year.
U.S. President Barack Obama signs the health insurance reform bill as Marcelas Owens looks on in the East Room at the White House in Washington, March 23, 2010.

Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Obama Healthcare Law

The Supreme Court agreed on Monday to decide the fate of President Barack Obama's healthcare law, with an election-year ruling due by July on the healthcare system's biggest overhaul in nearly 50 years.
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Obama to China: Behave Like a Grown up

President Barack Obama served notice on Sunday that the U.S. was fed up with China's trade and currency practices as he turned up the heat on America's biggest economic rival.
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Buffett not interested in European banks: report

Warren Buffett, often mentioned as a potential savior for troubled European banks, said on Monday that he has no interest at the moment in investing in the sector, and that there is what amounts to a partial run on Europe.


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