Jobs report hints at some improvement

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Hiring slowed in October but the unemployment rate hit a six-month low and job gains in the prior two months were stronger than previously thought, pointing to some improvement in the still-weak labor market.
Jon Corzine, MF Global Holdings Ltd. CEO

Corzine's Fall From Grace Leaves Obama With Even Less Bridges to Wall Street

The fall of Jon Corzine, a prominent figure with a toehold in the worlds of both finance and politics, is not only an issue for himself, but for one of the men who likely sought his advice and support on a regular basis, President Barack Obama. Perhaps more importantly, it follows a trend that has dogged the president since 2010, as, due to a variety of causes, many of the people close to Wall Street he had previously sought out have later found themselves uninvited to tea in the Rose Garden.
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Italy accepts IMF monitoring in bid to rebuild

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Job report hints at some improvement

U.S. employment rose less than expected in October, but a drop in the jobless rate to a six-month low of 9.0 percent and upward revisions to prior months' job gains pointed to underlying strength in the labor market.
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Job growth could hint at some improvement

U.S. employment growth was likely too weak in October to pull down the nation's lofty jobless rate, though it may have been strong enough to suggest some economic momentum is building.
Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi

Italy Agrees to Let EU, IMF Monitor Reforms

Italy, under fierce pressure from financial markets and European peers, has agreed to have the IMF and the EU monitor its progress with long- delayed reforms of pensions, labor markets and privatization, senior EU sources said Friday.
Job candidates receive information as they enter a Jobs Fair in Miami

U.S. Job Growth Could Hint at Some Improvement

U.S. employment growth was likely too weak in October to pull down the nation's lofty jobless rate, though it may have been strong enough to suggest some economic momentum is building.
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BofA wanted to be transparent on debit card fee

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A sign at the entrance to the headquarters of bankrupt Solyndra LLC is shown in Fremont

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Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is surrounded by police and reporters as he departs following remarks to legislators in the Congressional Health Care Caucus on Capitol Hill

Cain says foes trying to destroy me

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