2012 Election

Republican Presidential Candidates: Where Does 2012 GOP Race Stand?

It’s conventional wisdom that because the 2012 Republican nomination race is relatively close, it’s likely to stay a dogfight until the last primary has been held in June. Don’t believe it: Political-science research says the one who wins the New Hampshire primary in January and Super Tuesday on March 6 will be the nominee.

Federal Regulator Rebuts Critics of Housing Policies

DeMarco delivers testimony on robo-signing and foreclosures at a hearing of the Housing and Community Opportunity Subcommittee of the House Financial Service Committee, in Washington
Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's regulator on Saturday rejected criticism he was obstructing a housing recovery by taking too narrow a view of his mission to protect the financial health of the two massive, taxpayer-supported mortgage firms.
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A trader works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange

U.S. Stock Futures Signal Lower Open After Rally

Stock index futures pointed to a weaker open for equities on Friday after strong gains in the previous session, with futures for the S&P 500, the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq 100 down 0.4 to 0.5 percent.
Michele Bachmann

Tea Party Group to Michele Bachmann: Time to Quit Race [FULL TEXT]

It's time for Michele Bachmann to go, writes Ned Ryun, president of American Majority, in an official statement echoed by the majority of the Tea Party organization. Bachmann's floundering campaign and recent focus on social issues have alienated former supporters, who now argue the GOP candidate is not an adequate spokeswoman and has no chance of winning the primary.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton Would Trounce Romney and Perry: Poll

The secretary of state and former first lady would beat Mitt Romney by 17 percentage points and Rick Perry by 26 percentage points, compared to leads of 3 and 12 percentage points for President Obama, according to a new Time Magazine poll.
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Obama Unveils Student Loan Relief Plan

President Obama, on Wednesday, announced a series of new measures aimed at easing the burden of debt on students struggling to repay their federal college loans.
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Regulator said to mull forgiving mortgage debt

The regulator for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was reviewing a proposal to help troubled homeowners by forgiving a portion of their outstanding mortgage debt, Democrats in the House of Representatives said on Wednesday.
President Barack Obama waves on stage after delivering remarks on education at the University of Colorado in Denver

Obama nods to Hispanics in West as Republicans slip

With Hispanic voters upset at Republican presidential candidates over immigration, President Barack Obama played to a Latino audience on a trip to the West this week to shore up support from a group that is key to his re-election hopes.
President Obama

Obama Announces Student Debt Relief to Mixed Response

President Obama announced a much-heralded plan on Wednesday to help recent college graduates struggling to pay back their student loans. Reactions were mixed, with some people lauding the President for taking decisive action and others saying he didn't go far enough.
Max Baucus

Baucus To Super Committee: Think Big

The Congressional super committee charged with finding $1.2 trillion in deficit reductions by Nov. 23 was reportedly encouraged to aim higher by Senate Democrats.


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