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Competing fiscal plans blocked in divided Senate

Senate Republicans and Democrats rejected each other's economic stimulus bills on Thursday, underscoring their inability to craft a bipartisan solution on job creation before next year's elections.
Muammar Gaddafi and Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi leave Ciampino Airport in Rome June 10, 2009

Gaddafi Killed in Hometown, Libya Eyes Future

Muammar Gaddafi was killed after being captured by the Libyan fighters he once scorned as rats, cornered and shot in the head after they overran his last bastion of resistance in his hometown of Sirte.
U.S. President Barack Obama

Will Gadhafi's Death Help Obama in 2012?

While 2011 marks the death of two notorious terrorists, Osama bin Laden and Moammar Gadhafi, it is still unclear how President Obama's involvement in these events will affect his re-election in 2012.
Moammar Gadhafi Killed

Gadhafi is Dead: World Leaders React to Assassination

As Libyans flood the streets waving flags and automatic weapons, world leaders like President Obama, David Cameron, and the Vatican expressed hope for Libya's future and urged Libyans to focus on rebuilding a nation torn by civil war. Venezuelan Hugo Chavez, a long-time ally of Gadhafi, condemned the Libyan leader's death. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, has remained silent on the result of what he deemed a call to crusades by Western leaders.

Senate Approves Bryson as Commerce Secretary

The U.S. Senate, on a bipartisan vote of 74-26 on Thursday, confirmed former energy company executive John Bryson as commerce secretary, despite the objection of some Republicans due to his background as an environmentalist.
Death of Gadhafi

Obama Says With Moammar Gadhafi Dead Libya Can Determine Its Own Destiny [VIDEOS]

U.S. President Barack Obama on Thursday said now that Moammar Gadhafi is dead, Libya has an opportunity to determine its own destiny. The Libyan government announced Gadhafi's death on Thursday after the ousted dictator was killed in what the interim Prime Minister said was crossfire between transitional government troops and those loyal to Gadhafi.

Obama Jobs Bill Seeks to Put Veterans to Work

A provision in the president's jobs bill would provide tax incentives for businesses that hire veterans and would establish a program to train veterans in the skills they need to re-integrate into a civilian workforce.


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