Turkish Military Enters Iraq, Vows 'Great Revenge' for Kurdish Rebel Attack

The Turkish military has launched a series of brutal counter-attacks in northern Iraq, killing some 20 Kurdish rebels, after members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) killed 29 soldiers and five civilians along the Kurdish-Turkish border. President Obama has condemned the PKK's attacks, calling on the US and UN to support Turkey's assault, but PKK leader Duzdan Hammo insists reports of the attacks have been exaggerated and misconstrued.

Sarandon 'Nazi Pope' Backlash Ignoring Bigger Problem, Used for Political Gain

Susan Sarandon
When Susan Sarandon called Pope Benedict XVI a Nazi, numerous religious groups condemned the actress, and rightly so. In a bizarre and disturbing twist, however, Sarandon's notoriety has now spread to her support of Occupy Wall Street, with many grouping her comments and her activism as examples of liberal ignorance and hypocrisy. In the process, we lose the opportunity to condemn the use of rampant Nazi and Hitler comparisons in general, a widespread phenomenon recorded en ma...

Rick Perry to propose flat tax

Texas Governor Rick Perry (R) speaks as former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney listens as they take part in the CNN Western Republican debate in Las Vegas, Nevada
Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry said on Wednesday he will propose a flat tax as part of an overhaul of the U.S. tax code as he seeks to claw his way back to the top tier of the 2012 race.
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Critique of Romney's healthcare was exaggerated

Republican U.S. presidential hopeful Rick Santorum was exaggerating on Tuesday when he said a healthcare plan that his opponent Mitt Romney put in place in Massachusetts put a big dent in his state's budget.
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U.S. Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, the biggest debtor in the 2012 presidential race

Who Won the Debate? Sarah Palin Says Newt Gingrich

While GOP presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Perry shed their poker faces, openly duking it out over immigration, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said she thought Newt Gingrich went home as victor of the CNN Western Republican Presidential Debate in Las Vegas Tuesday night
2012 Election

Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan Attacked by Obama, GOP Candidates

Republican presidential frontrunner Herman Cain's 9-9-9 tax plan was attacked from all sides on Tuesday, with his fellow candidates panning him during the GOP Debate in Las Vegas and President Barack Obama criticizing the plan on television.
GOP presidential candidates (L-R) Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann during the CNN Debate, moderated by Anderson Cooper.

Romney and Perry Get Testy; Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan Roasted

Republican rivals Mitt Romney and Rick Perry were involved in a verbal spat on Tuesday, at a CNN-sponsored Presidential debate. However, despite disagreements on immigration and healthcare, the two main challengers united to criticize fellow-candidate pizza-magnate Herman Cain's 9-9-9 tax plan
GOP presidential candidates (L-R) Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann during the CNN Debate, moderated by Anderson Cooper.

Republicans Square Off: Top Quotes and Big Battles from Las Vegas Debate

From Perry calling Romney's immigration stance the height of hypocrisy, to Paul taking on Cain in Occupy Wall Street, to Bachmann thinking Libya is outside of Africa, the Oct. 18 debate was a no-holds-barred slugfest. See the top 10 battles of the night, and the killer quotes that epitomized (and dramatized) the fiery arguments.
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Fed's Lockhart sees hope in latest round of data

CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee The U.S. economy is unlikely to slip back into recession, and an improvement in recent indicators has been encouraging, Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank President Dennis Lockhart said on Tuesday.
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Fed's Lockhart sees hope in latest round of data

CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee The U.S. economy is unlikely to slip back into recession, and an improvement in recent indicators has been encouraging, Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank President Dennis Lockhart said on Tuesday.

'Romneycare' Causes Headaches in Massachusetts

Mitt Romney has been hammered by his Republican presidential rivals for his mandated healthcare law in Massachusetts, but now the state is havingto adjustwith the costs of Romneycare
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US Senate Approves Pipeline Safety Bill

The U.S. Senate unanimously approved a pipeline safety bill on Monday that would require strength-testing of old pipes and hike fines for safety violations after a series of accidents and explosions.


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