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UK-U.S. extradition review deals blow to hacker

An extradition treaty with the United States is not biased against British criminal suspects, a judge-led review said on Tuesday, dealing a blow to campaigners fighting to stop a computer hacker being sent to stand trial in America.

Republican debates: this time, TV jousts matter

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Another week, another Republican presidential debate. The candidates competing for the Republican nomination to take on President Barack Obama go at it again on Tuesday night in Las Vegas in their eighth televised debate -- the fifth since early September.

Senate Democrats aim to force vote on jobs bill

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid speaks to the media after the U.S. Senate passed a bill allowing a rise in the debt ceiling on Capitol Hill in Washington
President Barack Obama's fellow Democrats in the Senate proposed a bill on Monday to enact into law a portion of his popular $447 billion jobs program that Republicans blocked last week.
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America’s biggest growth industry: declinism

Conservative agitator Pat Buchanan’s new book says America might not survive until 2025; it’s called “The Suicide of a Superpower.” Even less alarmist observers are suddenly sounding a lot like Buchanan, as economists now predict that China may surpass the United States as the world’s largest economy a lot sooner than we thought, and important conferences are convened to deal with what Fareed Zakaria memorably dubbed “the post-American world.”
U.S. President Barack Obama speaks at a school in Washington

Obama 2012: Can He Win Without Wall Street?

As he seeks to build momentum for what will likely be an arduous re-election campaign in 2012, President Barack Obama is signaling that he'll try to tap into rising populist voter sentiment by distancing himself from Wall Street.
Obama Jobs Bill

Obama Jobs Plan: President to Push for Jobs Bill Amid Growing Call for Action

Amid what appears to be increased support by a portion of the electorate for substantive economic and fiscal policy change, President Barack Obama begins a three-day, two-state bus tour through North Carolina and Virginia for what the administration hopes will be a momentum builder to pass a revised jobs bill.
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GE's Immelt: Restoring confidence key to recovery

Confidence will be key to sparking higher growth in the U.S. economy and easing tensions about the financial system that have sparked a global wave of protest, said General Electric Co Chief Executive Jeff Immelt.
Courtroom sketch of Manssor Arbabsiar

Iran Demands to See Bomb Plot Suspect

Iran demanded consular access Sunday to a man held in the United States over a suspected plot to kill the Saudi ambassador and vowed to respond robustly to any inappropriate measure by the West.

MLK Memorial Dedication Draws Thousands, Obama

Thousands of people, including President Barack Obama, flocked to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial dedication in Washington, D.C., to honor the deceased leader who spearheaded the nation's civil rights movement.
Intel Headquarters, Santa Clara, Calif.

Firms Urge Action on Skilled Immigrant Reform

When U.S. restrictions on work permits barred Intel from moving nearly 50 Finnish engineers to the United States this year, the microchip maker reluctantly parked them in a new research center in Finland.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner

Growth Slow, so Fast Action Needed on Jobs Bill: Geithner

U.S. economic growth has gained some strength, but remains too slow, and it would benefit from passage of a package of job proposals that congressional Republicans have blocked, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Saturday.
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Geithner says growth too slow, need jobs bill

Economic growth has gained some strength but remains too slow and would benefit from passage of a package of job proposals that congressional Republicans have blocked, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said on Saturday.


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