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French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel address a news conference at the Chancellery in Berlin

Germany, France Strategize to Stabilize the Euro

The leaders of Germany and France have promised to unveil new measures to solve the euro zone's debt crisis by the end of the month, as international pressure builds for bold steps from Europe to avert an economic backlash of global proportions. But they declined to reveal any details.
French President Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel address a news conference at the Chancellery in Berlin

Sarkozy, Merkel Agree to Forge Euro Rescue Plan

The leaders of Germany and France have promised to unveil new measures to solve the euro zone's debt crisis by the end of the month, as international pressure builds for bold steps from Europe to avert an economic backlash of global proportions.
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Occupy Wall Street: start of a new protest era?

When Paul Friedman met the rag-tag youth camped out near Wall Street to protest inequality in the American economy, he felt he was witnessing the start of a protest movement not seen in America since the 1960s.
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Romney's Mormonism focused at political meeting

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney wooed evangelical Christian voters on Saturday with promises he would protect families, but found his Mormon religion at center stage at a conference of social conservatives.
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Limits on supplemental Medicare plans eyed

Medicare supplemental health plans, popular among politically powerful retirees, could come under the budget knife being wielded by the special deficit-reduction panel of Congress, according to sources keeping close watch on its work.
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Michele Bachmann, dropping in polls, vows to fight on

Republican White House hopeful Michele Bachmann, beset by falling poll numbers, staff departures and reports of fundraising troubles, on Sunday vowed to continue her campaign through the New Hampshire primary, which is likely to be in early January.
U.S. Income Tax Code

Millionaire's Tax: Reid Hopes Senate Can Vote Tuesday

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., is hoping the Senate can vote Tuesday on the 5 percent income tax surcharge on adults with incomes over $1 million per year, but Senate Republicans are promising a strong effort to block the vote via filibuster.
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Georgia says no deal in talks on Russia WTO entry

Talks between bitter rivals Georgia and Russia over Moscow's bid to join the World Trade Organization ended without agreement on Saturday, and Georgia said it would block Russian accession unless Moscow's position changes.
Occupy Wall Street Protest Signs

How Big Can the 'Occupy Wall Street' Movement Grow?

As the "Occupy Wall Street" protest becomes a movement, joined in the past two weeks by union workers and environmentalists and acknowledged publicly in legitimacy by President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, we have to ask the question: How big can the Occupy Wall Street movement grow?
President Barack Obama

Obama Chides Banks, Taps Anger Over Wall Street

President Barack Obama launched an onslaught against banks and Republicans this for working to block financial reform, using a populist tone amid public anger over Wall Street practices.
Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf

Nobel honours African, Arab women for peace

Declaring women's rights vital for world peace, the Nobel Committee awarded its annual Peace Prize on Friday to three indomitable female campaigners against war and oppression -- a Yemeni and two Liberians, including that country's president.
2012 Election

Global Investors Favor Mitt Romney on Economy: Poll

Global investors have weighed in on which 2012 presidential candidate they think will do a better job handling the economy. Their choice? Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, according to a new Bloomberg Global Poll.


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