Casey Anthony sits at the defense table after the jury left to begin deliberations in her first degree murder trial at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando, Florida, July 4, 2011.

Caylee's Law Gathers Support From Florida Lawmaker

Florida State Sen. Greg Evers, chairman of the Senate Committee on Criminal Justice, sent a letter to Senate President Mike Haridopolos Thursday asking for the go signal to draft legislation to better protect children.
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Casey Anthony and Daughter Caylee Before Caylee's Death

Hundreds Show Support for 'Caylee’s Law'

An Oklahoma woman is looking to petition U.S. lawmakers to Create Caylee's Law, which would make it a felony to not report a child's death or disappearance in a timely manner.
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Wall Street rallies on jobs data, retailers

Wall Street jumped on Thursday after signs of life in the labor market and strong sales at some U.S. retailers lifted optimism in the economy ahead of Friday's key June jobs report.
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Obama, lawmakers search for debt compromise

President Barack Obama and congressional leaders searched on Thursday for ways to break a deadlock over spending and taxes, and there were some glimmers of a potential compromise that would avoid a debt default.
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Obama, lawmakers aim for big things in debt talks

President Barack Obama and congressional leaders searched on Thursday for ways to break a deadlock over spending and taxes, and there were some glimmers of a potential compromise that would avoid a debt default.
U.S. President Barack Obama

Debt Talks: Obama Open to Social Security, Medicare Cuts

President Barack Obama has shifted his strategy in debt talks with Republicans, offering a substantially larger deficit reduction package that would include cuts to Medicare and Social Security in exchange for eliminating tax breaks.
The Dalai Lama

China Warns US Not to Meet With Dalai Lama

China has warned U.S. officials to avoid meeting with the Dalai Lama who is making his first trip to Washington D.C. since his “retirement” as the Tibetan leader-in-exile.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va.

Eric Cantor Speaks on Government Shutdown

With less than four weeks left to work at preventing a U.S. government shutdown House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said reforms to the system must be included in any deal between the White House and congressional Republicans to show the public that Washington can handle the county's finances, The Associated Press reported.
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Futures rise ahead of labor data

Stock index futures advanced on Thursday before data on the labor market, which may provide investors clues about Friday's key payrolls report.
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Wall Street set to extend gains

Wall Street was set to edge up on Thursday, with a key index at its highest in seven weeks, as investors await labor market data giving indications of the recovery in the U.S. economy.
U.S. President Barack Obama

US Military to Stop Dismissing Gays from Service

The US military was ordered a halt on the policy of discharging gay service members by the federal court on Wednesday. The order came citing the impending demise of don't ask, don't tell and the Obama administration's increasing criticism of anti-gay laws.
Obama talks to the audience next to Jack Dorsey during his first ever Twitter Town Hall in the East Room at the White House in Washington

Obama ‘Twitter Town Hall’ Meeting: A New Age?

President Obama tweeted today, In order to reduce the deficit, what costs would you cut and what investments would you keep? creating the first Twitter town hall meeting at the White House. Twitter followers asked about gay marriage, the Patriot Act, abortion, and war as well as who his favorite Power Ranger is.
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Obama, First President to Use Twitter

President Barack Obama became the first president to use Twitter to communicate with the public during the first ever “Twitter Townhall @ the White House” Wednesday.


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