Michelle Obama Defends President on Africa

U.S. first lady Michelle Obama
In Africa on a goodwill mission Friday, First Lady Michelle Obama defended her husband against criticism that he isn't paying enough attention to the continent. The first lady said her weeklong trip is, actually, proof of the president's commitment to Africa, the Associated Press reported.
President Barack Obama

President Obama to Enter Debt Ceiling Talks

President Barack Obama indicated Friday he is ready to take over the budget deficit / debt ceiling negotiations, inviting Senate leaders to the White House next week, as the continuing impasse pushes the U.S. closer to a potential default.
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US President Obama speaks to the media alongside Google CEO Schmidt in Washington.

White House urged to maintain distance from Google

Consumer Watchdog on Friday said the White House's close relationship with the Google is inappropriate, as the Internet search company is currently under review by Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice, a report said on Friday.

Some Crazy Antics by Westboro Baptist Church

Westboro Baptist Church is an independent church not affiliated with any known Baptist associations, and known for extreme stances (mainly anti-homosexual) and making extreme public appearances.
Ex-Vice President Al Gore

Why does Al Gore sound superficial on climate change rhetoric?

In an article posted in the editorial of Rolling Stone magazine, Al Gore has come down heavily on President Barack Obama's approach in avoiding a climate crisis. Article titled, Climate of Denial: Can science and the truth withstand the merchants of poison?, says President Obama has thus far failed to use the bully pulpit to make the case for bold action on climate change.
National Education Association endorses President Obama’s re-election

Obama Orders Troop Cuts in Afghanistan

President Barack Obama began the steady retreat from Afghanistan Wednesday, saying in a televised speech the United States has largely achieved its goals and the withdrawal of troops will now begin.
obama troops

Obama to Announce Afghanistan Withdrawal Plan

President Barack Obama will announce the withdrawal of 10,000 American troops from Afghanistan this year, and another 20,000 troops, the remainder of the 2009 surge, by the end of next summer, administration officials say.


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