A Twitter Town Hall Meeting

Republicans Hijack Obama Twitter Town Hall

Republicans tried to send a direct message to President Barack Obama during his first-ever Twitter town hall by crashing the event with a flurry of comments on the social networking site.
U.S. President  Barack Obama, D-Ill.

Obama Sees Progress as Debt Talks Resume

After inviting Congressional leaders to a Thursday meeting at the White House, President Barack Obama heralded the progress Democrats and Republicans had made towards achieving a deal to raise the debt ceiling.
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Obama July 5

Obama's Twitter meeting: What is your question?

President Barack Obama will be answering questions on Wednesday during his first Twitter town hall meeting. The meeting is supposed to be focusing on economy and job related issues and queries.
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Hackers seize PayPal UK Twitter account

Hackers seized control of a PayPal Twitter feed for more than an hour on Tuesday, then sent out messages criticizing the payment processor in the second attack of its type in two days.
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Commy message makes way onto Obama 2012 website

A message inviting supporters of President Barack Obama to nonexistent events hosted by Commy Obama made its way onto the president's campaign website but was removed on Tuesday, the campaign said.
Obama July 5

The Book List: Obama & Twitter

On Wednesday at 2 p.m. President Obama will hold a Twitter town hall -- just two days after hackers pulled off a hoax involving him and a Fox News Twitter account. Here are five book blurbs on Twitter and Obama to get yourself up to speed before the event.
National Education Association endorses President Obama’s re-election

N.E.A. Endorses Obama’s Re-Election

National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the nation, has voted Monday in Chicago to give their support for President Barak Obama’s reelection bid next year.
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton, D-Arkansas

Bill Clinton to Obama on Debt Talks: 'Don't Blink'

The only Democratic U.S. president re-elected since FDR's New Deal, and the last one to register a budget surplus in the past 30 years, has no-holds-barred advice for President Barack Obama regarding the debt talks: 'Don't blink.'
U.S. President Barack Obama holds Joshua Blanchard

Obama Was Never Assassinated - President spends Independence Day at the White House [PHOTOS]

On July 4th morning, President Barack Obama allegedly died from two gunshot wounds while campaigning in Iowa, according to a series of six messages on the Fox News Twitter account, which was hacked by a group that identified themselves as Script Kiddies. In reality, President Barack Obama celebrated Independence Day at the White House, and praised military service members who have served and sacrificed for the United States in protecting the freedoms of its citizens.
Unemployed worker Pollock carries a sign outside Cobo Center to demonstrate for jobs and good wages before start of press days at North American International Auto show in Detroit, Michigan

Detroit's dilemma: How to share gains with UAW

Over the past two years, Ford Motor Co has roared back from the brink of failure, won accolades for its gains in quality, posted its highest profits in a decade and rewarded patient investors with a 14-fold increase in its share price.


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