Boehner on Obama: We Understand Each Other More (VIDEO)

House Speaker John Boehner, fresh off a tightly fought political battle to cut $38.5 billion from the federal budget for the rest of the fiscal year, said he understands President Barack Obama better and says there is a wide ideological gap between them about the role of the federal government.
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Obama to offer deficit reduction plan

With one budget fight behind him, President Barack Obama will offer a long-term plan for deficit reduction this week in preparation for bigger U.S. spending battles ahead, the White House said on Sunday.

Obama to Unveil Long Term Budget Fixes

President Barack Obama will announce later this week deficit reduction targets and a timeline to reach them, White House adviser David Plouffe said on Sunday.
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Obama to offer U.S. deficit plan, more fights loom

With one budget fight behind him, President Barack Obama will offer a long-term plan for deficit reduction this week in preparation for bigger U.S. spending battles ahead, the White House said on Sunday.
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Budget deal avoids shutdown but fight ahead

President Barack Obama signed a short-term spending bill on Saturday that averted a government shutdown, formalizing a compromise deal with Republicans that paves the way for more -- and bigger -- deficit-reduction fights to come.
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U.S. budget deal avoids shutdown, fight ahead

President Barack Obama signed a short-term spending bill on Saturday that averted a government shutdown, formalizing a compromise deal with Republicans that paves the way for more -- and bigger -- deficit-reduction fights to come.
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Budget deal avoids shutdown, fight ahead

President Barack Obama signed a short-term spending bill on Saturday that averted a government shutdown, formalizing a compromise deal with Republicans that paves the way for more -- and bigger -- deficit-reduction fights to come.
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Budget deal avoids shutdown

The last-minute budget deal President Barack Obama and congressional leaders struck to avert a government shutdown paves the way for what Republicans promised on Saturday will be more spending fights to come.
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Late budget deal avoids costly shutdown

President Barack Obama and congressional leaders struck a last-minute budget deal on Friday to narrowly avert a government shutdown that would have hit the economy and idled hundreds of thousands of workers.

Shutdown Hours Away: Obama, Boehner Talk but No Deal

President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner spoke for several minutes without reaching a resolution early Friday evening, a Republican aide said extending a day of delay on averting a federal shutdown by midnight.
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House rejects FCC's 'open' Internet rules

The House of Representatives voted on Friday to reject Internet neutrality rules that were adopted last year to keep big Internet service providers from blocking certain traffic
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Budget deal elusive, government shutdown looms

With a midnight deadline approaching, the White House and Congress scrambled on Friday to break a budget impasse that threatens to shut down the government and idle thousands of federal workers.

Government Shutdown: Reid Claims Cuts Deal, Questions on Non-Budget Items

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters on Friday that negotiators from the House and Senate attempting to avert a government shutdown had agreed to $38 billion in spending cuts for the current fiscal year, but it was unclear what would be done about Republican requests to defund Planned Parenthood and place new restrictions on the Environmental protection agency.
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Budget deal elusive as negotiators scramble

Facing a midnight deadline, the White House and Congress worked furiously on Friday to break a budget deadlock and avoid a federal government shutdown, after President Barack Obama and congressional leaders failed to reach a deal in late-night talks.


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