Obama, Congress struggle to break budget impasse

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President Barack Obama and congressional leaders failed to reach a deal to avert a government shutdown but narrowed their differences on Thursday in their struggle to overcome a bitter budget deadlock.
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Shutdown Looms: Reid Says Abortion, Environment Hold Up Deal

A dispute on federal funding for abortions and restraining an environmental agency's actions may be the insurmountable sticking points that trigger a government shutdown as lawmakers struggle to reach a deal to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year.
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Congress makes late push for budget deal

With time running out, an ideological battle flared in the Congress over abortion and environmental issues Thursday as negotiators launched a late push to avert a looming government shutdown.
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Mood sours as Congress seeks budget deal

With time running out, an ideological battle over abortion and environmental issues threatened on Thursday to scuttle a congressional deal to avert a looming government shutdown.

House, Senate Harden Stances as Shutdown Nears

House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Thursday hardened their public stances on negotiating a budget and policy deal to avert a shutdown of the federal government ahead of a third meeting on the matter with President Barack Obama.
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Congress edges toward spending deal

The Congress on Thursday neared a budget deal to avert a looming government shutdown but disputes over abortion and environmental issues posed late hurdles to a final agreement.

Obama Says Averting Shutdown Will Require Sufficient Urgency

President Barack Obama said late Wednesday that averting a shutdown of the federal government will require sufficient urgency from all parties involved as negotiating House and Senate teams worked throughout the night to reach a package deal to pass a federal budget and non-budget policy elements by a midnight Friday deadline.
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Obama, lawmakers cite progress in budget talks

President Barack Obama and top lawmakers said progress was made in urgent budget talks on Wednesday night and that negotiators would work through the night to try to avert a government shutdown.
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Leaders see signs of hope in budget talks

U.S. congressional leaders saw signs of hope on Wednesday for a budget deal that would cut billions of dollars in spending in time to prevent a government shutdown.

Shutdown Watch: Talks Stalled Over Non-Budget Elements

President Barack Obama and allied Senate Democrats are sparring with House Republicans on non-budget related items attached to a budget measure that would keep the government funded for the rest of the fiscal year and avoid a shutdown of non-essential government services.
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Markets weigh two U.S. shutdowns: 1 bad, 1 awful

Investors are facing two possible U.S. government shutdown scenarios, one of limited impact on markets, and another so potentially devastating that analysts are struggling to fully assess it.

'Nonstop' Negotiations as Shutdown Looms

'Nonstop' negotiations on passing a federal budget for the remainder of the fiscal year were continuing ahead of a Friday deadline to avert a shutdown of a big portion of the government, as House Republicans and Senate Democrats allied with President Obama sought to break an impasse that could put hundreds of thousands of workers on leave without funding in place.
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Congress races deadline for budget deal

Congressional negotiators on Wednesday raced against a looming deadline to craft a budget deal that would cut billions of dollars in spending and keep the government operating beyond Friday.
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Congress still billions apart on budget deal

Congressional negotiators on Wednesday raced against a looming deadline to agree on billions of dollars in spending cuts in a budget deal that keeps the federal government operating beyond Friday.


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