Obama to Shake Up Top Military, Intelligence Ranks

President Barack Obama will announce a shift his top military and intelligence leadership ranks with on Thursday, as the nearing retirement of Defense Secretary Robert Gates will prompt a move to replace him with CIA Director Leon Panetta and fill Panetta's position with well-regarded General David Petraeus, the top military official in Afghanistan.
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Chris Rock blasts Donald Trump

Following the example of Jerry Seinfeld and Robert DeNiro, comedian Chris Rock attacked Donald Trump and the Tea Party Republicans for raising questions about where President Barack Obama was born.

Boehner: 'Chance' of No Vote on U.S. Debt Ceiling

House Speaker John Boehner said on Monday that 'there's a chance' a vote to raise the debt limit beyond $14.3 trillion may not happen if President Barack Obama 'doesn't get serious' about handling the nation's fiscal problems.

White House Easter Egg Roll celebrations (PHOTOS)

An annual event, the Easter Egg Roll was celebrated at the White House on Monday, with President Barack Obama taking part in the festivities by reading to children and playing tennis and basketball.

White House blasts Graham for birther remarks

The Obama Administration has fired back at comments made over the weekend by Franklin Graham, son of famed evangelist preacher Billy Graham that the President might not have been born in the U.S.

US may impose sanctions on Syria

The United States said it may impose sanctions against Syria in response to the brutal crackdown against protesters by the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

Beyond Deficits: Energy Rhetoric Flares Up

President Barack Obama and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell - taking a break from discussing the nation's long term deficits - issued dueling statements on U.S. energy policy over the past several days, referring to changes in rules that could affect oil production, tax subsidies and research into alternative energy.
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A fragile global recovery?

Data on how the U.S. and British economies fared in the first three months of the year due next week will likely highlight the tenuous nature of the recovery from recession in developed countries.

Syrian security forces kill mourners at funeral procession

One day after the bloodiest day of the uprising against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad (in which at least 90 people were killed security forces), at least five more protesters died when government troops fired on mourners attending funeral processions.

Earth images from NASA (PHOTOS)

Earth Day is the annual celebration of the environment and a time to assess the work still needed to protect the natural gifts of our planet. It affirms that environmental awareness is part of our consciousness and that the idea of protecting the environment has moved into the mainstream.

Obama on Singing Protesters: Change Tougher Than Expected

President Barack Obama said Thursday that bringing change had been more difficult than a lot of us expected, after a group donors interrupted a campaign speech to protest in song the detention of the soldier that allegedly released a trove of government cables which eventually were obtained and disseminated by Wikileaks.


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