Harold Camping will make public statement on Monday (PHOTOS)

Family Radio president Harold Camping, whose May 21, 2011 Doomsday prediction failed, has told International Business Times (IBTimes) on Sunday , May 22, 2011 that he is as shocked as anybody else that his prediction has failed and needed some time to think and recover before giving a public statement.

BREAKING NEWS: Harold Camping will give public statement tomorrow

False Doomsday prophet Harold Camping has told the International Business Times (IBTimes) that he would be making a public statement on or by tomorrow night in a “public forum” explaining why he had predicted May 21, 2011 as the Judgment Day and why it had failed.
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Failed May 21, 2011 Doomsday prophet Harold Camping gone into hiding?

In a few hours May 21, 2011 6 p.m., the appointed time for Doomsday, will have passed, irrespective of whichever time zone we are in, thereby proving that the prediction made by Harold Camping is false. No wonder Camping has gone into hiding and it is improbable that he will be showing himself to the public anytime soon without a good excuse.
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Camping's May 21 Doomsday prediction fails -- as expected?

When it comes to news value, journalists consider the impact of a story -- how many people does it affect. Given this metric, certainly the end of the world would rank high. So it should come as no surprise that 'Doomsday' preacher Harold Camping would whip media and global citizens into a frenzy. But did anyone actually believe him?

May 21 in earthquake history (TIMELINE)

As the U.S. Geological Survey recorded over 12 earthquakes across the world on Saturday, May 21, 2011, which was predicted to be doomsday or the end of the world, we bring here a brief about earthquakes that jolted the world on the same day in the past.

Harold Camping is a false Doomsday prophet, NO earthquake in New Zealand

Family Radio President and self-proclaimed Doomsday prophet Harold Camping has turned out to be a figure of ridicule after his Doomsday prediction that the world will end on May 21, 2011 fell flat on its face with no earthquake taking place in New Zealand that will make Japan's earthquake look like a Sunday school picnic in comparison.
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Top Tweet responses on May 21st Doomsday

Harold Camping, leader of the independent Christian ministry Family Radio Worldwide, has prophesized that a rolling earthquake will cause the destruction of the world on May 21, 2011.

May 21st Doomsday update: Believers, 3 percent, brace for apocalypse minutes from now!

The Doomsday clock is ticking away! If Harold Camping's prediction turns true, the rumblings of a gigantic earthquake will be felt in New Zealand in less than two hours from now! And then, the Armageddon will roll over to the other regions of the world and engulf them in the biggest catastrophe ever! A live poll on the IB Times website shows 3.36 percent of voters are convinced that the world will end on May 21, 2011. A poll on Slashdot shows 3 percent of the people subscribe to Harold Campi...


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