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Syria funeral

Assad's Downfall Inevitable, Says UN Observer

Columns of tanks, helicopter gunships and fixed-wing fighter jets have been witnesses in or near Aleppo, raising concerns that escalating skirmishes between loyalists and rebels was about to get much worse for the city's 2.1 million residents.
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Iran’s Bulging Prison Population

80 new prisoners enter the country’s prison system every day. Under Iran’s penal code, more than 1600 separate offenses are punishable by imprisonment.
Damascus Protest

Aleppo At Center Of Syrian War As Regime Suppresses Revolt In Damascus

The Syrian government appeared to be reasserting its control over most of Damascus Tuesday after a week of heavy clashes in the capital, even as fighting reached the gates of the ancient quarter of Aleppo in the north, the country's most populous city and one largely free of conflict until recently.
Pena Nieto

Mexico's Drug War: A New President Outlines A New Strategy Likely To Produce Old Results

In the old days of Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), the party of President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto, a systemic culture of government corruption ensured that the drug cartels would be more or less left alone in exchange for hefty bribes at multiple levels, and as the drugs flowed north into the U.S. there was relatively little violence.


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