iPhone 3.1: Everything You Want to Know

Apple iPhone, iPod iOS 3.1.3 Users Can't Download, Update Apps

Impacted users haven't been able to update existing iPhone or iPod Touch apps or download new ones since a December 16 software update was issued by Apple. The problem is that Apple support has told users to update their operating system to iOS 4 or iOS 5.
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Is Jailbreaking Illegal?

Jailbreaking, of course, is the process of removing limitations imposed by Apple to gain core access to the operating system of their device so they can get applications and more than aren't licensed by Apple.
Mirror MacBook Air

Mirror MacBook Air: The Cutest Holiday Gift? [PHOTOS, VIDEO]

As the most valuable technology company in the world, Apple really has a powerful influence. Any product from Apple stable sells like hot cakes, such as iPad, iPod, iPhone and MacBook Air. Apple is also known for implementing cutting-edge design on its lifestyle products and envied by others for the same reason.
A Geminid fireball explodes over the Mojave Desert

Meteor Shower Tonight: 10 Tips for Watching 2011 Geminid Shooting Stars

The Geminid meteor shower is one of the most beautiful and intense series of shooting stars in the year, with 120 meteors sighted per hour during its peak. Before the 2011 shower ends, take advantage of our ten tips for watching tonight's star show, from how to find the best spot (and block the moon) to taking pictures of the meteors.
The company's logo is seen on the Apple store in Washington

Apple Wants Anobit - Why?

Technology giant Apple is negotiating to acquire Anobit, an Israeli flash storage manufacturer, for about for $400 million to $500 million. People must be wondering why.
Louis CK made $500,000 in four days after taking a big risk on selling his new special for only $5 and making it DRM-protection free.

Louis CK: How He Made $500K in 4 Days

Comedian Louis CK took a major risk by putting his new stand-up special online for $5 without any copy restrictions, but the risk paid off. He raked in over $500,000 in revenue in four days.
 Apple iOS 5

iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak: Why Pod2g is Delaying Its Release

After finding the untethered jailbreak last Saturday, Pod2g posted on his blog that he is going to work on iPad 2 and iPhone 4S after working on non-A5 devices. And the hacker may not release the present jailbreak until he finds one for A5 devices.


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