Michelle Obama as vice president would be interesting but is she interested in the job?
Two-thirds of Americans hold a negative view of China versus just 26% with a favorable view of the country where the coronavirus originated. Like most political subjects in America these days, there is a partisan split at the heart of these figures.
March was the comeback month for Democrat Joe Biden after winning a cascade of Super Tuesday victories along with the South Carolina primary.
Bloomberg is facing possible legal action from fired campaign staffers
The former vice president recently spoke to his granddaughter over Zoom about several topics amid the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.
President Trump said that he was with the supporters who demonstrated against the strict coronavirus restrictions.
"The uncomfortable truth is that Donald Trump left America exposed and vulnerable to this pandemic," Biden said in a new video ad.
While conventional wisdom and her performance in the Democratic primary led to the belief that Elizabeth Warren's progressive positions would hurt her chances in the Midwest, a new poll from Wisconsin and Michigan forcefully pushes back against that notion.
Biden is also considering elevating the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the global health security pandemic office, and a separate climate change office to cabinet-level importance.
Biden is calling for a nationwide system that has companies reducing hours rather than laying off workers with the federal government picking up the tab for the difference in wages.
On Tuesday, a high school senior asked the former POTUS to address those who are graduating this year amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Latinos con Biden will be a coordinated effort with the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee, and provide digital infrastructure to Latinos who want to organize in their communities but are unable to do so thanks to social distancing practices.
Sanders said that Trump will be reelected if his supporters don't get behind Biden.
Warren said Biden has lead "with integrity, competence and heart"
The Treasury Department claims there will be no delay to paper checks being sent out.
Virus 'tracing' by smartphone: a key to reopening society?
Obama endorses Biden for president to 'heal' America
Amash has previously called Trump a "childish bully."
Trump-backed judge Daniel Kelly became the first incumbent justice on Wisconsin's Supreme Court to lose reelection since 2008, as longtime swing districts like Kenosha County broke strongly for the Democrat in a result that has Republican strategists increasingly concerned about the presidential election.
Obama set to endorse Biden for president: sources
Biden and Sanders are a lot closer on major issues than many people think, and that's now becoming more evident after the latter dropped out of the race.
Trump airs video slammed as propaganda at virus briefing