Pollution continues to choke America’s beaches

Pollution continues to choke America’s beach waters
Beaches in America saw the second-highest number of closing and advisory days in 2010, highest in more than two decades, as pollution continues to plague beach waters across the country, a report released on Wednesday said.
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Mayor Bloomberg.

Mayor Bloomberg Demands $600 Million From CityTime Contractor

Seeking to gain some control over the imploding scandal scarred CityTime timekeeping project which has billowed into a $700 million problem for taxpayers, Mayor Michael Bloomberg fired off an angry letter to the prime contractor demanding a hefty refund.
John Lennon

John Lennon: Right-Wing Reagan Republican?

Former Beatle John Lennon, one of the greatest icons of the 1960s peace movement, became a right-wing Republican and big fan of Ronald Reagan during the final years of his life, according to a man who worked as an assistant for Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono.
President Barack Obama

Obama Avoids Gay Marriage Questions at News Conference

President Barack Obama said gays and lesbians should receive equal treatment but stopped short of endorsing gay marriage during a news conference Wednesday, carefully parsing his answers to questions about New York's landmark same-sex marriage law.


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