Scientists found a dinosaur with a weird head shape, and they are trying to make sense of it in terms of marine reptile evolution.
Erendira Wallenda, trapeze artist and wife of daredevil Nik Wallenda, will perform a stunt that will have her hanging by her teeth over Niagara Falls on Thursday morning.
The name “Corpus Christi” is of Latin origin meaning the body of Christ and the feast commemorates the Last Supper before Jesus Christ was crucified.
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull mimicked President Donald Trump while referring to his declining approval ratings and the Russian scandal.
Miley Cyrus just took to Instagram to tease her millions of fans about her guest appearance on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.”
A ruling from the European Union's Court of Justice said The Pirate Bay is responsible for torrents and content hosted on its site.
Prehistoric Australia was home to flying turkeys that were as big as kangaroos and other scary-looking birds.
"If one of us had fallen in the water, I don't think we would have had much chance."
The viral meme that is never-ending now lives on as street art.
There are dozens of titles about sharks available to stream on Netflix.
Ghost sharks, also known as chimaeras, are rarely seen in the wild but we know that they have sex organs on their heads and look like Leatherface, with skin that appears stitched together from scraps.
The fast-food chain said it would hire about 250,000 people this summer and for that it is turning to Snapchat for help.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is going to speak to President Donald Trump as a last resort to help Qatar get out of its current crisis.
Phubbing, the act of ignoring someone with your smartphone, can damage a relationship.
The eastern massasauga rattlesnake is endangered in the U.S.
The couple also attended their longtime friends' wedding in Stockholm on Saturday.
Pippa and James got married on May 20 at St. Mark's Church in Berkshire, England, after dating for several years.
The problem reportedly affects only right-hand-drive cars and can be fixed with a software update the company is rolling out over the weekend.
A large Huntsman spider got dragged to its death by a spider wasp after paralyzing the spider and making its way to its nest, but there's a twist.
The prime minister of Australia and leader of the opposition Labor Party have called on tech companies to aid in the fight against terrorism by removing extremist content and breaking encryption for law enforcement.
Say hello to the HomePod, Apple’s version of a smarthome speaker. The new Siri-powered speaker has a tentative December release date and works exclusively with iOS 11.
Following claims that Qatar was supporting terrorist groups like ISIS, Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda; Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain and Egypt decided to severe ties with the nation.