Apple Will Produce New Mac Pro Computers In US

Apple said it would keep production of its new-generation Mac Pro computer -- announced in June at the company's developer conference -- after obtaining exemptions from tariffs on some imported components
Apple said it would keep production of its new-generation Mac Pro computer -- announced in June at the company's developer conference -- after obtaining exemptions from tariffs on some imported components
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Chinese Millionaires Fuel Singapore Luxury Apartment Sales To 11-Year High

Wealthy Chinese millionaires, in what is likely a strategy to protect their assets in a “safe haven”, are buying up luxury apartments in Singapore worth millions of Singapore dollars. Sales have hit an 11-year high, according to the Singapore Straits Times and property consultants OrangeTee & Tie.

Saturn’s Enceladus Throwing Snowballs At Other Moons

Researchers have discovered that Saturn’s moon Enceladus is ejecting snow on its other neighboring moons Mimas and Tethys. The researchers believe the snow covering the surface of these moons is the reason for their high reflectivity.


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