David Clarke recently said he accepted a job in the Department of Homeland Security. However, the DHS did not confirm his claim.
President Donald Trump's tweeting habit has become a worrisome job for his aides as they are unfiltered and might get the president into trouble, sources told the Wall Street Journal.
Humpbacks range in length from 39 to 52 feet and weigh between 50,000 to 80,000. These whales can live for almost 50 years.
President Donald Trump’s campaign Press Secretary Hope Hicks said that the president relies mainly on Google News printouts from his staffers and he rarely reads his own email.
Heart infections and hepatitis C virus infections among the people in the U.S. is on the rise due to ongoing opioid epidemic, a study said.
Sources say that Russians boasted about their strong relationship with former National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, during the presidential campaign last year.
Former first lady Michelle Obama also left her head uncovered during her visit to Saudi Arabia in 2015 along with her husband, former President Barack Obama.
President Donald Trump's hand gestures signify a lot about his personality, experts have said.
A Turkish man aboard disrupted an American Airlines flight by trying to breach the cockpit.
As congressman Anthony Weiner pleads guilty for engaging in sexting, we take a look at previous politicians whose careers were also ruined by sex scandals.
The 25th Amendment to the Constitution states “in case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.”
President Donald Trump reportedly told top Russian officials Comey was a "nut job" and his dismissal relieved "great pressure," according to a news report.
The U.S. coffee conglomerate has been embroiled in another lawsuit, this time having to pay $100,000 to a Florida woman after she got burned when a hot drink spilled on her. We take a look at five instances when Starbucks got sued.
Hernandez allegedly threatened multiple guards at the Bristol County House of Corrections and on one occasion threatened to shoot a guard and kill his family.
New York commuters were reportedly unbothered by an apparent trail of blood-soaked newspapers snaking through a subway car.
A police report revealed new details surrounding the death of Audioslave and Soundgarden frontman Chris Cornell.
An addiction medicine expert explained how synthetic marijuana or PCP may have contributed to the incident.
The singer-songwriter’s wife said she believes that the prescription anxiety medication Ativan, also known as Lorazepam, may have played a part in his suicide.
“As the Representative of Salem, MA, I can confirm that this is false,” the politician tweeted.
The former congressman was set to appear in court Friday to enter a guilty plea for sexting a minor.
British betting firm Ladbrokes moved the probability of Trump's impeachment to 56 percent this week.
Three Mississippi teenagers — Byron McBride, D’Allen Washington and Dwan Wakefield — were arrested for allegedly killing Kingston Frazier, who was the center of Amber Alert in Jackson.
During his speech at the the SALT conference in Las Vegas, Thursday, Joe Biden directed a subtle diss at President Donald Trump and his series of scandals.
In a tweet, while criticizing appointment of a special counsel for an investigation into alleged Russia ties with Trump campaign, president misspelled "counsel" as "council."
A study conducted by San Diego State University (SDSU) researchers last year showed Sheen’s revelation of his HIV status urged millions of people to undergo HIV tests.
Hernandez died in his prison cell at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Shirley, Massachusetts, on April 19.
The sexual harassment cases filed against Roger Ailes by Andrea Tantaros and Julie Roginsky may get caught up in complications following an old New York law.
Jared Kushner’s call to the Lockheed CEO was a part of his effort to secure an arms deal worth about $110 billion with Saudi Arabia ahead of the president’s official trip to the kingdom Friday.
June Chu has written many racist reviews on Yelp, even calling a restaurant "white trash." She was suspended on Thursday, following her "reprehensible posts."
The 26-year-old assailant was arrested from the crime scene Thursday after he lost control of his car, killing an 18-year-old Michigan woman named Alyssa Elsman and injuring 22 others.