• "One Piece" 1058 reveals the events happening in the Kambakka Queendom
  • The chapter also explains how the Marines came to know about Cross Guild
  • "One Piece" 1058 is arriving Sunday

"One Piece" 1058 is a transition chapter that bridges the conclusion of the Wano arc and the start of a new one. While the manga installment does not reveal any details about Straw Hats' next adventure, it highlights key events and factors that are crucial in the series' overall narrative, including Nami's mystifying and unfathomable power, the growing tension within the newly established group, Cross Guild, and the reappearance of the Revolutionary Army, particularly of Kuma and Sabo.

The raw scans of "One Piece" 1058 are now available online, thanks to industry insiders and WorstGen forum's EtenBoby who translated them. The chapter is titled "The New Emperor," which obviously pertains to the Straw Hats' captain, Monkey D. Luffy.

However, inside the Thousand Sunny at present and as the crew traverses the sea and heads in the direction pointed in the log pose, Luffy does not act like an Emperor of the Sea. Instead, he is inside a cage, bruised and battered by no less than the team Navigator Nami, who called him "poor captain" and endangered everyone because of his stupidity.

ONE PIECE Wano Kuni Arc Recap | Toei Animation
A 5-minute look back at the Wano Kuni arc from "One Piece" up until episode #929​! "One Piece" returns to its broadcast in Japan with episode #930​ on June 28th! Simulcast to follow accordingly. Toei Animation US YouTube Channel

Jimbei, being the oldest and the most experienced in the sea, tries to pacify the situation by telling Nami that everyone is fine so she should just cool it off. But Nami tells him to stop spoiling Luffy.

After saying that, Jimbei seemingly feels something, which he thinks is a Conqueror's Haki emanating from the Cat Burglar. Chopper then tells oyabun Jimbei to stay away from the navigator, especially when she is mad.

"One Piece" 1058 raw scans also reveal the Straw Hats' reaction when they learn about the new bounties. Meanwhile, somewhere in Emptee Bluffs Island in the New World, Buggy is pleading for his life as Mihawk and Crocodile act to end it.

The legendary pirates turned out to be the real founders of the Cross Guild, not Buggy, as explained in the brief flashback of what happened when the World Government disbanded the Shichibukai system. When Buggy and his crew were on the verge of being annihilated, Crocodile showed up not to help Buggy but to collect the payment for the debt the "genius clown" owed him.

Almost in the clasp of defeat and annihilation at the time, Buggy begged that he would serve Crocodile as payment for his debt, and the warlord agreed. Now Buggy is pleading for his life again, but Mihawk and Crocodile seem resolute with their decision to kill him.

Interestingly, Mihawk changes his mind and tells Crocodile that they could use Buggy to have all the fame and get rid of him anytime they like. Crocodile agrees, so Buggy continues to live.

Meanwhile, in the Kambakka Queendom, the island ruled by Emporio Ivankov, the Revolutionary Army, is a bag of mixed emotions after hearing from Sabo himself. However, Dragon says he will not forgive Sabo if he really killed King Nefertari of Arabasta.

Apparently, the team that went to the Reverie was successful in rescuing Kuma, who is currently in Kumbakka Queendom, too. Dragon tries to talk to Kuma, but the former Shichibukai just answers, "Your wish is my command."

"One Piece" will have a week-long hiatus after Chapter 1058 releases Sunday.