Kenya (a nation of just 41 million) has produced more great runners (short- and long-distance) than just about any other nation on Earth.
Hear about the "pubic hair war" recently? Dr. Emily Gibson wants people to stop shaving their hair "down there" and naturally Twitter responded to the doctor's orders.
Swine flu is making a comeback as a new strain of the virus has begun spreading, with more than 100 cases reported this year, according to the Centers for Disease Control. The surprising culprit? State and county fairs. And doctors warn its now much easier to transmit among humans.
A horrific drug known as krokodil has nearly become an epidemic in Russia -- it rots the flesh off its abusers turning them into real-life zombies. The world is getting a look at a substance that transforms healthy individuals into the "walking dead."
The total confirmed cases of the Influenza A variant virus that has been transmissible from swine to humans in Indiana jumped from just 11 last week. The cases, which show symptoms of a mild seasonal flu, have been found in 18 counties across the state, state health official said.
State officials said a mild winter in the Northeast United States contributed to higher mosquito populations this summer in Massachusetts and potentially neighboring states, and is also why mosquitoes carrying EEE were found earlier than normal.
Forty years after dousing Vietnam's vegetation with the toxic defoliant Agent Orange, the U.S. will finally attempt to clean up the mess.
Americans are living healthier and longer that ever before. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts boomers will turn 65 at a rate of 10,000 per day for the next decade, making them, along with centenarians, the fastest-growing segment of the population.
The main pollen culprits tied to the increase in hospital visits came from oaks and grasses, whose levels spike in the spring.
[EMBARGO 1PM] Grapefruit juice blocks the breakdown of the drug sirolimus, which is why patients are advised not to take the two together -- but now researchers say they can exploit that ability to give cancer patients more bang for their buck.
Where to draw the line between performance enhancing drugs - which many experts agree should be prohibited in sport because they make the contest unfair - and recreational drugs like marijuana, which is unlikely to boost performance but could give sport a bad image?
Fruit drinks, sports drinks and other beverages with added sugar and calories that could lead to obesity over time can still be bought easily in schools, a new study showed.
Bikini waxing, "vajazzling" or jeweled decoration of the genitals, waxing, shaving and removal of pubic hair are all becoming increasingly popular among young people. But some doctors are opposing the "war against pubic hair" and are trying to highlight the possible dangers of these activities.
Hundreds of Spanish health care professionals are protesting a new law that will require them to deny treatment to illegal immigrants.
This is the second time in three months that a patient suffering from bone marrow failure was successfully treated with its PLX cells, Israeli company Pluristem Therapeutics said on Monday.
Parents reported that after giving honey to kids, their coughing was less frequent and less severe.
A “spray-on skin” could become the new treatment du jour for open wounds and ulcers, adding a layer of skin cells which could promote healing, according to U.S. and Canadian researchers.
Despite a recent uptick in use, intrauterine devices (IUDs) are still far from popular, with use by American women lagging well behind birth control pills and condoms.
The newly discovered Cedar virus, with 90 percent of its genes identical to those of Hendra and Nipah viruses, failed to cause any disease when researchers injected it into animals, suggesting an avenue for identifying the deadly genes at the heart of Hendra and Nipah.
The prohibition on eating pork is something shared by Muslims and Jews.
Researchers found that of 101 heart patients with signs of depression, those who exercised for 90 minutes per week and those who started taking Zoloft both improved significantly compared to participants assigned to drug-free placebo pills.
Catholic Church officials, Republicans and other conservatives have blasted the inclusion of artificial birth control, which is against church doctrine, in the list of services that must be covered at no cost to the insured under President Obama's health care overhaul.
Crack addiction has become a grave public health and security concern in parts of Brazil, particularly the poverty-stricken shanty-towns that ring the large cities.
In a small trial of 61 Parkinson's patients, those that took caffeine supplements for six weeks saw modest improvements in some of their symptoms.
New findings don't prove vision-improving procedures prevent falls or breaks in elderly people. But they do suggest eyesight plays a role in those accidents and injuries, researchers said.
Here's what you should know before trying to score your free birth control.
Cocaine use is down in the United States and production is down in Colombia, but is America really winning the war on drugs?
It's been an old wives tale for Olympic athletes that engaging in sexual activity before competitions can inhibit sports ability ever since ancient Greeks as far back as 776 BC said abstinence, on the other hand, is key for performance enhancement. The myth, however, has been debunked by experts, one study shows, bringing joy to some athletes competing in the 2012 London Olympics, like Italian swimmer Federica Pellegrini.
A Supreme Court ruling that upheld the law in June also allowed individual states to decide whether to accept the Medicaid expansion, sparking an election-year revolt among Republican governors who have opposed the entire reform.
Ebola remains a mysterious affliction; it has no cure, and no vaccine. It tends to flare up sporadically, but it can kill hundreds whenever it does crop up.