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Top 5 Summer Diets of 2011

Everyone is tired of dieting without getting the results. Here are some top diets that have always worked for both men and women.
Obese Individuals at Health Risk

Fat: Turning the Bad to Good

Excess body is one of the most annoying problems of most overweight and obese individuals. One must consider that body weight composes of the muscle, bone and fat. Twelve percent of a woman's body is bones. The 35% belongs to the muscles and the 27% percent of the entire body weight is body fat.
Weight Loss

Doctors Not Helping Overweight Patients: Survey

Many doctors are doing little or nothing to help their overweight or obese patients to lose weight but many of them have made new year resolutions for weight loss, according to a new Harris Poll.
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Eating More behind Weight Gain, Not lack of Exercise

If you think pumping iron vigorously at a gym or doing 100 Yoga postures daily is the best way to lose weight, think again. Instead watch what you are eating and cut calories. According to a paper published in the International Journal of Obesity, a balanced diet is instrumental in shedding that extra flab.
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Too little sleep bad for teenagers' diets

Teenagers who sleep less than eight hours a night on weeknights eat more fatty foods and snacks than those who get more than eight hours of sleep a night, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday.
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Weight loss cuts risk of pregnancy complication

Losing the weight gained during pregnancy is a real struggle for many new mothers. But dropping just 10 pounds between pregnancies may help many women diagnosed with a dangerous complication during the first pregnancy to avoid a recurrence the second time around.
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Surgery for obesity increases 10-fold in England

Use of weight-loss surgery has increased 10-fold in hospitals in England since 2000 and those who have gastric bands fitted can reduce their risk of early death and cut health service costs, scientists said on Friday.
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Diet Tips for Abs - Fat Loss for a Six Pack

Get enough quality protein in the daily diet - not only does it have a higher thermic effect than carbs and fat, but it also creates satiety so your hunger is satisfied longer.
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Breathing device helps reduce weight

A breathing instrument for treating asthma that had suppressed appetite and reduced weight of patients is now being marketed as a weight-loss device.


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