Samples collected by the Apollo missions revealed that the Moon contains traces of Theia, the large Mars-sized object believed to have collided with Earth billions of years ago. Many scientists believe that this planetary collision led to the formation of the Moon.
The plunge marked the second-highest waterfall descend in history.
A new study claimed that it is possible for liquid water to exist on Mars. According to the author of the study, these pools of water could be hiding in microenvironments on the Red Planet’s surface.
Researchers discovered that harmful synthetic chemicals released into the environment around 80 years ago have now found their way through the soil. The researchers noted that the way the toxic chemicals slowly accumulates in the soil is similar to a ticking time bomb.
The emergence of bacteria in the minerals found in the Great Salt Lake in Utah last year could provide clues regarding the existence or evolution of alien life on Mars. According to scientists, the Red Planet used to have the same environmental conditions that produced the mineral on Earth.
A planetary scientist remade a video previously released by NASA to show Earth’s ancient features such as mountain ranges and land bridges that early humans used to cross continents. The video was made by simulating the disappearance of oceans and other bodies of water on the planet.
Defeating sleep deprivation may be a difficult feat but there are simple solutions that may help you overcome. Some drinks, for instance, have been proven to help defeat sleep loss.
A Florida resident who allegedly sold methamphetamines attempted to evade arrest by hiding under the water in a pond and holding his breath. Officers arrested him immediately when he came out for air.
Flooding, landslides kill six in Brazil
Thousands in shelters as Indonesia flood death toll hits 60
The European Space Agency (ESA) recently shared a stunning photo of massive algal blooms in the Baltic Sea taken from space.
The study revealed that the oceans around the world are unable to cope with the extreme conditions that entail global warming.
Three French flood rescuers killed in helicopter crash
The Iranian military buzzed two U.S. Navy ships as they completed a mission in the Gulf Of Oman.
Amazon fires 'quicken Andean glacier melt'
A new study revealed that plants display panic-like behavior when it’s raining or when they get wet. The authors of the study also learned that plants warn other nearby planets during this type of situation.
A team of researchers was able to invent a new type of coating that can prevent fecal matter from sticking to the toilet’s surface. The researchers believe their invention could help save massive quantities of water around the world.
A research team from NASA has confirmed that water vapor exists on the surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa. The latest finding supports the idea that the large planet’s satellite could hold traces of alien life.
Riot police use water cannons to disperse Georgia protesters
A new study found other significant factors that make a planet habitable. Can the new information help in the search for habitable planets?
Italy hit by heavy rains, flooding in Venice
Suez Canal: expansion and modernisation