A team of scientists found that male Australian humpback dolphins use both wing men and gift-giving in their attempts to get mates.
Researchers are now saying that streaks they previously thought were water are actually sand.
A new study says the biggest planet in the solar system is responsible for almost all the water — whether liquid, solid or gas — in it.
Coastal cities may experience changing sea levels if glaciers continue to melt due to climate change, NASA said.
Marco Rubio remarked upon the president's water-drinking form.
A team from the University of Manchester have demonstrated the capabilities of graphene-oxide membranes by filtering whiskey and making it clear.
Regularly drinking very warm water, especially in the morning, can heal our bodies, providing digestive power and reducing metabolic waste that could have built up in our immune system.
According to a 2013 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study, 43 percent of adults drink less than four cups of water a day, 36 percent drink one to three cups, and seven percent drink none at all.
MIT researchers discovered a new way to to create nanoscale oil-water emulsions that remain stable for months by condensing water onto an oil-surfactant mixture.
A study has shown that Utah's Great Salt Lake's water level has gone down by half and climate change is not the culprit.
A new study has shown that climate change increases organic runoff into lakes which blocks disinfecting UV light. This is making lakes all across the globe a cesspool for pathogens.
NASA's Curiosity rover captured color images and mapped Hematite on Mars which showed a much higher level of water-rock interaction in the past.
A team has found that male salmon can increase the speed of their sperm to stand greater chances of fertilizing female eggs.
Harvard's RoboBee can now swim in and explode out of the water using a tiny combustible rocket propulsion system.
Volcanic eruptions on the moon once released enough gas to create an atmosphere.
A team of scientists has shown that a nesting salmon colony can cause erosion of stream beds and changes topography.
Scientists have found that clear water is not always clean — it may still be loaded with fertilizer runoff.
Information about the availability of electricity and clean water in Puerto Rico following Hurricane Maria was removed from the FEMA website Thursday.
Old Odyssey data has revealed the presence of ice in the equatorial region of Mars. This proves that Mars has more water than we estimated, could this speed up SpaceX's recent 2022 Mars colonization estimates?
In the 15 years since launch, the satellites have aided in making many scientific discoveries about Earth, especially understanding the movement and storage of water on the planet.
NFL star Tom Brady suggested that drinking water prevents sunburn and the internet was not having it.
A team of scientists has detected water ice on Mercury and they say there might be a ton more hiding on the scorching hot surface, waiting to be found.